Co-Chair: Ina Voelcker, BAGSO - German National Association of Senior Citizens‘ Organisations (re-elected to the Steering Group in 2023 for a two year term) |
 | Ina Voelcker is the Head of the Secretariat for International Policy on Ageing at BAGSO, the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations. She coordinates BAGSO’s international work which involves representing older persons’ interests in international policy debates and fostering the exchange of senior citizens’ organisations from various countries.
Previously, Ina was technical director with the International Longevity Centre Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, where she coordinated among others the implementation of the age-friendly cities project. During this time, she was part of the international affairs committee of the Global Alliance of ILCs.
Before she worked with HelpAge International in London on the global review of MIPAA undertaken together with UNFPA. She holds academic degrees in Gerontology (BA) from the University of Vechta, Germany and Public Policy and Ageing (MA) from the University of London, UK. |
Co-Chair: Rose Gahire, NSINDAGIZA Organisation, Rwanda (elected to the Steering Group in 2023 for a two year term) |
 | Rose Gahire is a public health expert with over 35 years’ experience working to improve access to quality and equity healthcare at national, regional and International levels. She is the founder and Executive Director of Palliative Care Association of Rwanda (PCAR) a member of African Palliative Care Association.
Prior to Palliative Care Association of Rwanda, Rose was Country Program Manager for AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Rwanda and Executive Secretary at Society for Women and AIDS Africa (SWAA).
Rose sits on many local, regional and international boards and committees to name a few; Locally she is the Vice Chairperson of Rwanda Non- Communicable Disease Alliance, Vice Chairperson of Nsindagiza which is an local NGO fighting for the welfare and rights of Older persons, a member Network of HelpAge International.
Rose is a committee member on Purchase and Pricing of Pharmaceuticals of Rwanda Food and Drug Authority (RFDA) as well as a member of Community Based Health Insurance, Health Benefit Committee (CBHI – HBP). At regional level, Rose is a board member of East Africa Non-Communicable disease Alliance (EANCDA).
Rose is a passionate advocate on rights of Older people and People Living with NCDs, gender equality, Universal Health coverage and an inclusive society where all people enjoy all their human right. |
Belén Martínez Perianes, HelpAge International España (elected in 2023 for a two year term) |
 | Belén Martínez Perianes Graduated in Law and Political Science and Public Administration, Master in International Solidarity Action and Social Inclusion and Master in Access to the Legal Profession.
In 2022 she joined the HelpAge International Spain team as Head of Agenda2030 and Training. |
Bethany Brown, AARP, USA (elected in 2024 for a two year term) |
 | Bethany Brown, JD, serves as AARP’s Global Advocacy Director, advancing AARP’s mission to empower people around the world to choose how they live as they age. She leads AARP’s strategic initiatives to advance older persons’ human rights and inclusion.
She has extensive experience in advocacy at the United Nations in the fields of human rights, humanitarian aid, and development. Prior to joining AARP, she started Human Rights Watch’s program of work on older persons’ human rights in its Disability Rights Division. She has also worked for the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Programme on Ageing, the International Disability Alliance, and HelpAge USA.
Bethany received her bachelor’s degree from Barnard College of Columbia University, and her Juris Doctor from American University Washington College of Law. |
Elijah Gatambia Mwega, KARIKA Kenya (elected in 2024 for a two year term) |
 | A Holder of diploma certificate in community development.
Worked as civil servant for 19 years and resigned 1994, to pursue his vision. In the year 2003 he found-organization Kenyan aged people require information, knowledge and advancement (KARIKA) whose purpose is to push for the rights of older persons.
Started with only thirty five older people in a local community and to date have reached 21 counties, with the aim of creating a national voice of older persons in the Country.
Have been a stakeholder in the ministry of labour and social services, working together on areas of well being of senior citizens developing policies, guidelines and the country position papers to the OEWG every year.
Also have been doing ADA campaigns through the media both print and TVs, and community
My experience includes planning, program conceptualization and implementation advocacy, monitoring and evaluation, fund raising and partnership. |
Marta Hajek, Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) - (elected in 2023 for a two year term) |
 | Marta Hajek, CEO of Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario leads a dedicated staff team, who support older adults and service professionals alike when addressing the complexities of EA and collectively tackling the pervasive impacts of ageism on the quality of life of the fastest growing demographic.
Working with senior serving agencies, partners and volunteers, EAPO is helping weave together community relationships that through collaborations/partnerships help strengthen the sector while addressing the growing needs of seniors in Canada, ensuring their voices are represented during policy decision-making and resource allocation discussions.
Marta continues to serve on the Seniors Expert Advisory Committee (ON Securities Commission), is a Director of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of EA, an elected Steering Group member( Global Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons (GAROP)), Co-Chair of the National Leadership Council working to formalize the CBSS Sector, and through EAPO a founding partner of the Canadian Coalition Against Ageism (CCAA). Most recently Marta joined the Board of the International Longevity Centre - Canada to help guide the work of the CCAA, among other International initiatives supporting healthy aging.
As part of the CCAA delegation, Marta has repeatedly addressed the United Nations' Open-Ended Working Group on Aging (OEWGA) advocating for the protection of human rights by calling for the declaration of a UN Convention for the Rights of Older Persons. |
Nataša Todorović, Red Cross of Serbia (elected in 2024 for a two year term) |
 | Nataša Todorović is a Psychologist, Master of Public Health, and PhD candidate at the
Medical School of Belgrade University. For over two decades, her work has focused on the effects of demographic aging, particularly elder abuse and aspects of long-term care systems and informal caregivers. As an active researcher, she delves into violence against older people, especially women, and the accessibility of long-term care. She advocates for the improved quality of life of older persons through the Red Cross of Serbia and various
international platforms.
Nataša represents Europe in the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) and is President of the Gerontological Society of Serbia. She co-leads the Care and Support Thematic Action Group for HelpAge International's Healthy Ageing Platform. Recognized with multiple awards, including the Rosalie S. Wolf Award (2018) and Andjelka Milic Award (2024), she is also co-author of numerous scientific papers and over 20 publications. |
Paulette Metang, ACAMAGE, Cameroon (elected in 2024 for a two year term) |
 | Paulette is the Founder Director of ACAMAGE, created in 1995 for the wellbeing and dignity of older people enjoying their rights.
Paulette attended the second World Assembly on Ageing in 2002 and NGO Forum.
A pioneer and strong voice on ageing issues in Cameroon coordinating and boosting networking, advocacy on platforms on ageing that has pushed the government to begin taking into consideration issues of older peoples in general. Additionally, she has advocated for the AU Protocol on Older People's rights ratification, inputs and 3 OEWGA sessions attendance.
Paulette attended 11 OEWGA sessions out of 14 to push for the convention. She also works closely with regional and international NGOs. With GAROP they are advocating for the drafting now of the convention.
Paulette opened an older people care how for abandoned, displaced, accused witches. She works for older women and intergenerational solidarity. |
Sanju Thapa Magar, Ageing Nepal (re-elected in 2023 for a two year term) |
 | Sanju Thapa Magar has been working for the rights of older people for eight years. She joined Ageing Nepal as a volunteer for partial fulfilment of her college requirement. She was offered a job and promoted to Programme Officer after a year. Now, she is CEO of Ageing Nepal. So, she has different levels of experiences in the ageing issues due to the long journey in the field. Advocacy and campaigning programmes to promote the issues of older people is one her expert areas.
She has done her Bachelor in Social work and Master in Sociology. |
Ex-Officio Member: NGO Committee on Ageing-Geneva (Silvia Perel-Levin) |
 | Silvia Perel-Levin is an advocate for the human rights of older persons and an independent consultant. She has been working in the fields of human rights, ageing, and health for 25 years with international organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Before that, she was a theatre and TV producer.
Silvia represents at the UN the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) and the International Longevity Centre Global Alliance (ILC GA) advocating for the adequate inclusion of older persons at the Human Rights Council, and promoting a UN Convention on the human rights of older persons. She is vice-chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing in Geneva, Committee she chaired from April 2014 to April 2022. Silvia edited the book “Ageing of the Oppressed: A Pandemic of Intersecting Injustice” published in September 2023.
She was born in Argentina and has also lived, studied, and worked in England, Israel, Hungary, and Switzerland. She has a B.A. in Social Theatre from Tel Aviv University and an M.Sc. in Inter-Professional Practice from City, University of London. She is currently is president of ILC-Israel and divides her time between Tel Aviv and Geneva. |
Ex-Officio Member: NGO Committee on Ageing-New York (Frances Zainoeddin). |
 | Frances Zainoeddin, who worked at the United Nations from 1970-2001, represents the International Federation on Ageing, Gray Panthers and Soroptimist International at the United Nations, and is the Vice-Chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing in New York. She also represents the Stakeholder Group on Ageing at the United Nations on sustainable development issues, particularly in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ensuring inclusion of the concerns of older persons. She is actively advocating for an international convention to protect the rights of older persons. |
Immediate Past Chair Ex Officio Role: Margaret Young, The Pass It on Network, global – 65 countries (elected in 2024 for a two year term) |
 | Margaret’s career evolved from being an award-winning corporate professional to an agent of change for the welfare and human rights of older people. A key area of her current exploration is the connection between older people and social activism – whereby the older person is an actor of participation, contribution, and change in our quest for social justice and good.
She is the founder of Age Knowble, a Canadian social good enterprise. Age Knowble, through intersectoral collaboration, empowers older persons and strengthens the ecosystems they live in. Along with her Age Knowble work, Margaret amplifies impact by volunteering with like-minded organizations such as the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People, the Pass it On Network, the ASEM Global Ageing Centre, and other older persons serving non-profits. Her dedication to the cause is not only valuable, it is inspiring. |
Observer: Tanja Venisnik, Global Rights Policy Advisor, HelpAge International |
 | Tanja is a qualified lawyer and human rights specialist with 20 years of professional experience in both the private sector and the international public sector. After shifting her career towards human rights, Tanja worked as a Legal Coordinator at EarthRights International’s SE Asia office in Thailand, supporting local lawyers and civil society organisations in the Mekong region to advocate against large-scale development projects having detrimental impacts to the environment and human rights of local communities. After moving to London, she was a Senior Law and Policy Advisor with ClientEarth's Forest Programme focusing on improving forest laws and governance in Central Africa and SE Asia. Before joining HelpAge she worked with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) as an Advocacy Manager in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh. Tanja holds a Master’s degree in Understanding and Securing Human Rights from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. |
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