Join the Age With Rights Campaign!

Support our renewed call on governments ahead of the next Human Rights Council session!

Click here to access our new Call to Action launched on Human Rights Day 2024 setting out a number of ways in which you can support our call on governments to agree to start drafting a new UN convention at the 58th Human Rights Council session and add your voice to our online conversation.

Click here to view the statement from the GAROP Steering Group on Human Rights Day 2024.

Support our petition for a UN convention!

Click here to find out more about our petition to World Leaders to start drafting a UN convention on the rights of older people!

Introduction to the campaign

The Age With Rights is the global campaign for a new UN convention on the rights of older people coordinated by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People. Our rallying cry – “Age with Rights!” – was formed with input from members of our Global Alliance.  You do not have to be a member organisation of the Global Alliance to support and engage with the campaign.  Join this global campaign for a UN convention on the rights of older people to ensure equal protection of our human rights in older age!

  • Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings throughout life no matter where in the world.
  • As we age, our need for rights protection evolve with the complexity of ageing issues.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights document was drafted at a time when the “100 year” life was beyond imagination.
  • Existing human rights frameworks provide fragmented and inconsistent coverage on the human rights of older people and ageing issues in law and
  •  practice.
  • A convention is a universal legally-binding instrument that ensures, in older age, there are equal opportunities to participate and contribute, behaviours towards us are more respectful, and ageism is prohibited in the law.
  • Protecting the rights of older people through a convention will benefit all in society today and tomorrow.

Join our video campaign!

We occasionally produce guides to support the preparation of video messages for the campaign. Anybody can record and share with us a video message to support our call for a UN convention.

Access the video guide here in     English    |    Français   |   Español

Access the related guide on how to get as many signatures as possible for the Age With Rights Petition here.

We have collected many video statements from Age With Rights campaigners since the campaign launched and you can view the full list on our YouTube channel and you can also view them on our website in the video gallery.

We welcome ideas and support in broadcasting our collective global advocacy efforts, and in strengthening our impact by using our campaign slogan “Age with Rights!”

Global Rally

Global Rallies are a flagship initiative of our campaign and were held annually between 2022-2024.

You can read more about the past Global Rallies here.

Campaign branding

Our campaign slogan is “Age with Rights”. Our campaign colour is RED-ORANGE. We suggest that you bookmark this page and keep checking back here as we will continue to add more templates and resources.

Shout out “Age with Rights!” by using the colour orange!

Here are some ideas:

  • In meetings, wear your most prominent piece of orange clothing (i.e. an orange hat, scarf or top)
  • Put up an orange banner or create an orange sign somewhere in your office or meeting room with the “Age with Rights!” slogan
  • Use the red-orange colour in your digital communications. The colour code is #FF3300 or RGB: R255, G51, B0.

You, and your organisation, are invited to incorporate the “Age with Rights” slogan into your brand.

Add “Age with Rights” onto stationery items and into your email signatures, or include “Age with Rights” where appropriate, and possible, as a byline alongside your logo. Please follow the instructions above for colour and use ‘Gill Sans MT’ font.