GAROP Advocacy Resources

Here you can find a variety of advocacy tools and materials produced by GAROP to support you in your work to strengthen older people’s rights, amplify older people’s voices, and engage effectively in UN processes. You can also find further resources produced by some of our members here.  If you are an NGO that supports our vision, mission and values, you can apply to join GAROP to receive further updates and information from our Secretariat by email.

GAROP Member Logo

GAROP has developed a Member Logo that can be used freely  by GAROP member organisations on your promotional materials and websites without the need to request permission.

Click here to download the Member Logo and to read the guidance about its use.

Social Media Graphics and Toolkits

A collection of graphics developed by GAROP that can be used for social media posts and videos can be found here.

Click here to see where to download social media graphics and toolkits.

FAQs about the Open-ended Working Group after the 14th and final session

GAROP has developed a document outlining some frequently asked questions surrounding the ending of the Open-ended Working Group process and what this means for future advocacy.

FAQs about the Strengthening of Older Persons’ Rights Worldwide

Read the report in    English     French

Useful advocacy resources from GAROP members

HelpAge International’s briefing note about the OEWGA intersessional work explains more about this process and how NGO’s can get involved.

HelpAge International’s ‘Less Talking More Drafting’ toolkit with resources to help strengthen our collective voice, including flyers for decision-makers, social media posts, a press release template is available here.

AGE Platform Europe’s ‘EU Leads the Rally’ toolkit to support advocacy with EU Member States to to mobilise and speak up in favour of a new UN convention and demonstrate their commitment to equality at all ages is available here.

F.A.I.R Guidelines: Our member, HelpAge International, has produced a comprehensive set of guidelines called the ‘F.A.I.R. Guidelines’ to support NGOs undertaking advocacy around a new UN convention. You can access these guidelines in English, Spanish, Russian and Arabic here.

AGE Platform Europe’s Older Persons’ Self-Advocacy Handbook on Human Rights

HelpAge International’s Age Demands Action Campaign Manual

GAROP Webinars

Click here to learn more about the GAROP webinar series organised in partnership with the International Federation on Ageing and to listen to past webinars online.