List of Members
The nine founding members of GAROP are listed [here]
Name of Organization | About the Organization | Logo (Click to visit official website) |
50Plus Hellas, Greece | Mission 50plus Hellas was founded as a not for profit company in 2005/6 by researchers and practitioners in the field of ageing to promote the human rights of older people in Greece and their active participation in society. The organization The organization relies on volunteers and its Scientific Board. It has no core funding, but uses volunteers and project funding, from EU funds, and national sources for ICT training and accessibility issues. 50plus Hellas is the Greek representative organisation of AGE Platform Europe and its members have undertaken the responsibilities of president, and participate in AGE council work and its expert groups, as well as many programmes and campaigns. Amongst the Human rights related programmes undertaken, coordinated by Age Platform Europe, were Age/inc examining the social exclusion/inclusion of older people 2006-8 : DAPHNE-EUSTaCEA that produced an EU Charter on the Rights and Responsibilities of Older People in Need of Long-term Care and Assistance 2008-10;WeDo – Well-Being and Dignity of Older People - Bringing together stakeholders from 12 Member States, key EU level stakeholders and national partners to promote the wellbeing and dignity of vulnerable and disabled older people and prevent elder abuse through the promotion of quality long-term care. (2010-12) Life long learning concerns another form of avoiding social exclusion through progammes run by 50+Hellas continuously since 2008. Senior Participation has been promoted through several programmes including one in 2013-14 Active Citizens for Europe, that trains seniors to be advocates at the political and EU level. The Scientific Board of 50+Hellas have published widely on subjects of ageing. | |
Aaran Greg Royal Legendary Home, Nigeria | ||
AARP International, USA | Our international efforts support the overall social mission of AARP and the needs of our 37 million members. AARP is a nonpartisan, nonprofit association based in the US dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all as we age. Since its founding in 1958, AARP has delivered value to its members through advocacy, information, and service. As a social change organization, we work tirelessly to fulfill our vision of a society in which everyone ages with dignity and purpose. While being a domestic organization, AARP has always had an international perspective and we pride ourselves on being a leader on health and economic security issues and a respected global source of information and advocacy. AARP's Office of International Affairs seeks to help people live longer, healthier, more financially secure and productive lives by identifying and sharing the best ideas and practices on key policy issues. We convene a wide range of experts from around the world to share their knowledge on health and long-term care, older workers, financial security, retirement income, and livable communities. Our well-established relationships with a number of international organizations, like the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Commission, and the International Labor Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as individual governments and grass-roots organizations, help bring together the widest range of voices in the world on health care and economic security issues. Our goals are furthered by convening high-level international conferences on relevant issues related to aging populations, including our "Reinventing Retirement" series of meetings. We also regularly host international visitors and facilitate their outreach to leaders in government, business, and academia. | |
ACAMAGE, Cameroon | ACAMAGE is a CAMEROONIAN NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC-UN, created since 1995 and legalised in 2003, working for and with older people : - in promoting their rights so as to eradicate elder abuse - in promoting intergenerational solidarity so as to challenge the ageing world by building a society of all age, - in chairing the civil society organisations in Cameroon for MIPAA follow up and appraisal ACAMAGE is leading 3 projects with its network named ACAMAGE NETWORK FOR OLDER PEOPLE RIGHTS on : - OLDER WOMEN (gender + age) - OLDER PERSONS IN PRISON - OLDER PERSONS RIGHTS BEYOND 2015 | |
Action on Ageing Ghana | ||
Action on Elder Abuse, UK | ||
Action Pour le Developpement des Jeunes au Congo (ADJC), Democratic Republic of Congo | ||
Active 60, Malaysia | ||
Adama Martha Community Health Centre & Women Empowerment, Sierra Leone | ||
ADP-Zid, Montenegro | ||
Advocacy Foundation for the Aged, Sierra Leone | ||
Advocare Inc., Australia | Advocare is the peak Western Australian organization in the promotion of older people’s rights and prevention of elder abuse. Advocare’s vision is a community where the rights of all people are respected and supported. We strive towards this vision by providing individual and systemic advocacy, education and information to older people, and younger people with a disability in Western Australia; contributing to research, and working collaboratively with aged care, government and community service providers to achieve the best outcomes for our clients. | |
African Relief Development Initiative (ARDI Somalia) | ||
African Research Center 4 Ageing & Dementia, Uganda | ||
Age Action Ireland | Established in 1992, Age Action is the leading advocacy organisation on ageing and older people in Ireland. Age Action advocates for a society that enables all older people to participate and to live full, independent lives, based on the realisation of their rights and equality and recognising the diversity of their experience and situation. Age Action approaches advocacy from a human rights and equality perspective and supports human rights-based approaches to policy making. We encourage a move away from viewing older people as passive recipients of welfare to older people as rights holders and are actively working to advocate and raise awareness about a new International Convention on the Rights of Older People. We also provide a range of services for older people, including a care and repair service, an information service and computer and IT training programme for older people. | |
Age Concern Eastbourne, UK | ||
Age International, UK | Age International exists to change the world for older people; by helping those living in poverty in developing countries to have a better quality of life. We do this by: Raising awareness of ageing and development in the UK Raising funds for the development and emergency relief work of HelpAge International Carrying out policy and influencing work in the UK to change policies for older people in low and middle-income countries At Age International, we challenge the stereotype that labels older people as a burden. But we also recognise that later life can be a time of increased vulnerability. That's why our work supports some of the most vulnerable older people in the world; we help older people in over 30 of the world’s poorest countries with age-friendly emergency relief and long-term development. | |
Age Nigeria Foundation | Age Nigeria Foundation is a registered Non-Governmental Organisation with Registration No CAC/IT/74674. The Foundation engages the highest number of older people in Nigeria with over one million older people as members. It is solely dedicated to the elderly in our society by helping the Older people and their family members to overcome challenges of aging, empowers the active elders, showing them the way to live with dignity in their silver years. Age Nigeria Foundation has been playing a leadership role in improving Elder-Care and quality life of older people in Nigeria with various programmes, awareness, projects and other interventions to the benefit of older people and their family members. We advocate with Government Ministries and relevant Agencies to bring about policies and programmes that will be of great benefit to older people in our nation. Age Nigeria Foundation organises seminars and training with facilitators and trainers within and outside the country for the purpose of creating excellent quality Eldercare in our society. Age Nigeria Foundation also engage the government positively on how we can improve the welfare of the elderly in our nation. Organises conferences, Radio Programmes, Television programmes, Intergenerational Activities, Rallies and Campaigns to sensitise the populace on the danger of discriminations and ageism against the Older Citizens. Nigeria has the biggest population of vulnerable older people in Africa. We are concerned with the unattended problems facing the older people in our society like Ageism, Discrimination, Discrimination against Older People living with disability, Elder Abuse, Gender Inequality, poor economic downturn as they affect the older people among others which are not considered as a policy problem. This has propelled Yemi Age Nigeria Foundation to intervene, fight for their right, bring in elder welfare programmes and creates projects across the country to uplift the lives of Older People and encourage their continued participation in the society. Age Nigeria Foundation also operate as Yemi-Age Nigeria Foundation. | |
AGE Platform Europe | AGE Platform Europe is a European network of around 165 organisations of and for people aged 50+ representing directly over 30 million older people in Europe. Its work focuses on a wide range of policy areas that impact on older and retired people. These include issues of anti-discrimination, employment of older workers and active ageing, social protection, pension reforms, social inclusion, health, elder abuse, intergenerational solidarity, research, accessibility of public transport and of the build environment, and new technologies (ICT). The Platform takes also active part in several EU projects. The majority of these projects are funded by the 7th Framework Programme. The purpose of its work is to voice and promote the interests of the 150 million inhabitants aged 50+ in the European Union and to raise awareness of the issues that concern them most. AGE seeks to give a voice to older and retired people in the EU policy debates, through the active participation of their representative organisations at EU, national, regional and local levels, and provides a European platform for the exchange of experience and best practices. It also aims to inform older people on their rights as EU citizen or resident and on EU policy making processes and recent EU policy development. | |
Age UK | Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The over-60s is the fastest-growing group in society and there are more of us than ever before. Ageing is not an illness, but it can be challenging. At Age UK we provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. | |
Age-BD, Bangladesh | ||
Age-Joy, Ghana | ||
Age-Link, UK | ||
Aged Care Quality Improvement Network, Nigeria | ||
Ageing Concern Foundation, Kenya | Background: Founded in 2018, Ageing Concern Foundation (ACF) focuses on strengthening livelihoods and resilience of older persons for rural population ageing in Kenyan counties and partners with older persons associations (OPAs) to advocate for the rights of older people in urban informal settlements. At ACF, we strive to enrich livelihoods of vulnerable senior citizens (> 65 years), who are pillars from which communities tap wisdom and guidance. Driven by passion to offer practical and sustainable positive transformation, ACF is committed to taking actions that reenergize the elderly, let their voices be heard and remove negative society stigma. Vision Statement: To become a Centre where older adults engage, enrich and empower their lives. Mission Statement: We are focused on improving the lives of older adults through caring services with opportunities in social interaction, recreation, needs and basic responsible support, volunteerism and community activism. Core Values: a) Accountability – Consistently open and ethical b) Community – Focus on impact c) Responsibility – If it is to be, it is up to me Areas of interventions and priority programs: 1. Income and livelihoods 2. Social Protection (SP), Health and Care 3. Protection, Violence, abuse and Neglect 4. Ageism and Inclusion | |
Ageing Nepal | INTRODUCTION Ageing Nepal was established in 2011 as a not-for-profit national NGO registered with government of Nepal and is affiliated to Social Welfare Council of Nepal. Ageing Nepal is a member based organization operated by trustees, member's representatives and professionals. It draws on its wide network of members and professionals in and out of Nepal for accomplishment of tasks with high degree of professionalism. MISSION • Empowerment of elders and promotion of their rights, • Generate scientific data to help policy makers and academia, • Produce trained human resources on Gerontology and Geriatrics, • Take proactive measures against abuse and exploitation of elders, • Work as watch-dog to safe guard the interests of ageing population. MAJOR AREAS OF WORK Advocacy: Ageing Nepal works with media; social and professional groups, and individuals for building mass awareness on ageing issues. . Consultancy Services: The large network of professionals from different subject areas such as health, economics, social work and so on, make Ageing Nepal a suitable organization for developing project proposals and project implementation, specific to ageing populations. Human Resource Development: Ageing Nepal works with academic institutions to promote research and training on ageing issues. | |
Ageing with a Smile Initiative, Gambia | Ageing with a Smile Initiative (ASI) is a voluntary community-based organisation launched in January 2010 to promote and protect the health and rights of older persons in The Gambia. The vision of the organisation is to ensure that older persons in The Gambia enjoy good health, remain productive and are valued and cared for by society. The objectives of ASI are: • To improve access to basic health care services to disadvantaged elderly people in The Gambia; • To promote the re-integration of the elderly in Gambian social life; • To promote inter -generational dialogue; and • To advocate for the rights of the elderly in The Gambia. The membership of ASI comprises of people from diverse background including medical doctors, public health professionals, nurses, social workers, gender and human rights activists, students and journalists who work on a voluntary basis to deliver essential services and promote and protect the rights of older people and improve their welfare. ASI is a member of the Social Protection Platform –The Gambia which is a network of civil society organisations in The Gambia that have come together to advance social protection in the country. In July 2015, ASI started to partner with HelpAge International and is involved in the Age Demands Action campaign. Members and volunteers of the organisation are motivated by the passion to make a positive impact in the lives of older persons, the opportunity to interact with and learn from older persons; the joy in meeting people of similar interests and the opportunity for career development through the acquisition of relevant skills and experience. | |
Age Unheard, Uganda | Founded in 2015 Age Unheard "MY GRAND PAA-MAA UGANDA" is an NGO in Uganda that advocates for the rights and wellbeing of the older persons, and bridge the gap between generations. | |
Agewell Foundation USA Inc. | Agewell Foundation USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit initiative. It endeavors to extend a helping hand to old people and advocate for their needs & rights. Agewell Foundation USA seeks to reach out to larger audience of older persons and act as a catalyst for change to bridge the gap between generations and ensure respectful and comfortable life for old people. | |
Agewell Foundation, India | Agewell Foundation is a not-for-profit organization which has been working for the welfare and empowerment of older persons of India since 1999. Agewell has set up a two-tier network of over 7500 primary and 80000 secondary volunteers spread across 682 districts of India and interacts with over 25000 older persons on daily basis through its volunteers’ network. Over the years, it has initiated several projects like Helpline for older persons, Employment Exchange for Older Persons, Research & Advocacy Centre for Needs & Rights of Older Persons, Share the Warmth campaign, Aadhar- Nationwide Network of Volunteers for Old People, Distribution of Healthcare Equipment among Destitute Elderly, Digital Literacy Program for Older Persons, etc. in India. Recognizing the work being done by Agewell Foundation ECOSOC has granted Special Consultative Status to Agewell Foundation at United Nations in 2011. It is associated with Department of Public Information, United Nations (UN-DPI). Agewell has been member of Working Groups and Steering Committees on Social Sector for Xth, XIth and the XIIth Five-Year-Plan of Planning Commission of India. Agewell Foundation has carried out over 30 national level research studies on issues concerning older people with a sample size of 10 thousand to 100 thousands. Please visit us at for more details. | |
AL-Shafaa Organization, Iraq | It is a non-profit humanitarian organization (NGO) that is founded in 2008 from a group of women and youths, it has got a legal and abstract personality and works under the Iraqi restrictions and laws and it is centre is in Wasit Province / Kut City. The organization is aimed at many aims, they are: 1. Making training in the fields of health and human rights. 2. Developing knowledge abilities and skills of citizen in the fields of human rights and health care. 3. Building abilities and developing skills and working on attitude change through implementing training workshops and educational training courses work on enhancing and upgrading the educational level of the society in fields of health and human rights. | |
Albanian Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology | ||
Albanian Society for All Ages | It was the global movement on ageing in 1999, when the United Nations proclaimed the year as the International Year of Older Persons (IYOP), which inspired the establishment of the Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG) on October 28th 1999. Our mission is to work with and for older people, with an accent on older women in Albania to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of their lives. Albania is a country with a prolonged transition, which has weighed heavily on the elderly. The political and social structures have circumvented the problem of the elderly by making it a chronic problem, although the democratic developments have provided opportunities. The poverty of the elderly has been caused by the inadequate pensions, the lack of access to services and the active age discrimination. - ASAG is a participant in the preparation of "Shadow Report” HEALTHCARE FIELD - CASE OF ALBANIA Submitted to the United Nation’s Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women show the older women are disconnected. - ASAG has been the coordinator between the government and the UNO. - ASAG is a member and has a very strong contribution in written articles and reports nationally and internationally among organizations such as UN Focal Point on Ageing, AGE Platform EU, International Federation on Ageing (IFA), International Network Prevention Elder Abuse (INPEA), EURAG, etc. | |
ALCE Education, India | ||
All India Senior citizens Confederation | ||
Alternative Elderly Health care Initiative, Nigeria | ||
Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh | ||
Alzheimer Support Community of Burundi | ||
Alzheimer's and Related Dementia Society - Nepal (ARDS-Nepal) | ||
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias In Zambia - ADDIZ | ||
Alzheimer's Disease Foundation, Nigeria | ||
Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) | Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) is the international federation of Alzheimer associations around the world in official relations with the World Health Organization. Each member is the Alzheimer association in their country who support people with dementia and their families. ADI's vision is prevention, care and inclusion today, and cure tomorrow. ADI believes that the key to winning the fight against dementia lies in a unique combination of Global Solutions and local knowledge. As such, it works locally, by empowering Alzheimer associations to promote and offer care and support for people with dementia and their carers, while working globally to focus attention on dementia. Our board is composed of people from around the world, and our staff team is based in London. | |
American Society on Aging, USA | ||
Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) | ADET is created in 1996 in Togo and registered officially in 2004. Its goals are social, economic and environmental development which become today the SDGs adopted by World leaders on september 25, 2015. Social development includes: disable, migrants, older persons, indigenous peoples, vulnerables women, girls and children rights for social inclusion. ADET is engaged to promote minority rights, older persons, disable persons rights for inclusive society for the SDGs implementation. It has been granted Consultative status with ECOSOC and granted OSAA and is member of UNTEAMWORK for the SDGs implementation. | |
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies, Jordan | ||
Amnesty International | Amnesty International is a global movement of 10 million people in over 150 countries and territories campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded mainly by our membership and individual donations. We believe that acting in solidarity and compassion with people everywhere can change our societies for the better. We conduct human rights research, advocacy, and campaigning in over 100 countries in the world. Since 2018, Amnesty International has been building a dedicated body of research on older people and is now campaigning to stop age discrimination and to create laws that protect our human rights in older age. To learn more, visit: | |
Anziani e non solo soc. coop., Italy | ANS is an Italian no profit organization working to promote rights, well-being and dignity of older persons and their carers. ANS has been working since 2006 on elder abuse prevention, promoting training programmes for formal and informal carers, offering counselling and support services and participating to research activities at national and European level. ANS is also active in antidiscrimination policies and promotion of quality of care for dependent older persons. | |
Arasan Rural Development Society (ARDS), India | Arasan Rural Development Society was founded by a group of dedicated social workers in the year 1988. ARDS was originally organized as an organization by name Arasan Vidhyalaya with emphasis on promoting education and imparting vocational training to poor girls. The members of the organization felt that it was necessary to work for the welfare of all sections and categories of the rural disadvantaged communities and hence the name of the organization was changed as Arasan Rural Development Society (ARDS) in the year 1995. Then onwards, ARDS began to function as a rural development NGO and carry out various activities for the overall development of the rural community. Vision: ARDS visualizes a society where peace, gender justice, equal opportunities for women and children prevail with safe environment and abundant living through holistic development. Mission: - Working with weaker and marginalized sections of the society with special focus on women, children, disabled and senior citizens for participatory inclusive development; - To eradicate poverty and empower the disadvantaged sections of the society through holistic education and providing them with sustainable livelihood. - Providing micro credit to achieve economic independence and gender equality of women; - Building alliances and networks among NGOs/Government andCBOs; and, - Encouraging environment-friendly development alternatives with human values for better future for nature and humanity as a whole. Major activities: - Old Age Home for senior Citizen. - Swadhar Greha (Home) for difficulty circumstances women. - Family counseling centre for family disputes. - Creche Centre for needy Children. - Vocational Training on Tailoring, Typewriting, Toys making and computer & Rehabilitation for person with disabilities (PwDs). | |
Ardager, Kazakhstan | ||
ARGA Foundation, India | ARGA Foundation is a non-profit, non-religious and non-political organisation which works to ensure the protection of acknowledged rights of people especially those in vulnerable situation including women, children, people with disabilities, elderly and minorities. What makes us unique is our commitment to help the most vulnerable and a belief that we can make the planet a more peaceful, just and prosperous place. Mission: ARGA Foundation empowers people and mobilises resources to encourage equality and sustainable development in India. Vision: ARGA Foundation’s vision is to ensure universal coverage of true value based standard services. Issues we care: We care for some issues which need most attention and our effort is to mainstream these and consider these as cross cutting in all of our programmes; Disability, Gender, Elderly care, Mental Health, Child Rights. Our intervention in ageing: 1. The organization is implementing a project titled, ‘Elderly Rehab; Active Again’ which intends to provide rehabilitation services (e.g. occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, family therapy etc) to the elderly people in Chandkheda municipal ward of Ahmedabad. It also provides health and social protection services through referral linkages. 2. A concept is under formation to assist elderly residing in old age home to improve their independence and mental well being. | |
Arjon Foundation, Bangladesh | Arjon Foundation is a non-profitable non-governmental organisation (NGO) committed to participating and promoting national development through upgrading the socio-economic conditions of the disadvantaged and underprivileged older people of the society. Arjon Foundation is situated at Satkhira District in Bangladesh. | |
ASD-Bangladesh (Association for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh) | ||
ASEM Global Ageing Center, Republic of Korea | The ASEM Global Ageing Center (AGAC), headquartered in Seoul, is a dedicated international institution that serves as a central hub for addressing a wide range of issues related to the human rights of older persons across ASEM partners. AGAC's mission is to tackle the challenges faced by older persons regarding their human rights and to contribute significantly to their promotion and protection. This is achieved through comprehensive policy research, fostering exchange and cooperation, raising awareness and education, and providing a robust information-sharing service. Major Projects: 1. Policy Research Projects: o Conducting in-depth analysis of the current status of human rights for older persons o Performing extensive research and offering recommendations to promote and protect these rights 2. Exchange and Cooperation Projects: o Organizing international forums and seminars on ageing and human rights o Building cooperative networks between private, public, and academic sectors to facilitate various collaborative projects 3. Awareness Raising and Education Projects: o Implementing campaigns to enhance awareness about senior citizens and combat ageism o Developing and disseminating educational programs and materials focused on the human rights of older persons 4. Information Sharing Service: o Establishing a comprehensive database to share national and international policies, legislation, and major trends related to the human rights of older persons Through these initiatives, AGAC strives to ensure the dignity, rights, and well-being of older persons are upheld and respected globally. | |
ASGOHES, Tanzania | ||
Asia Pacific Forum on Families International, Fiji | ||
Asociacion Ala Dominicana, Dominican Republic | ||
Asociación Red Colombiana de Envejecimiento Activo y Digno, Colombia | ||
Associação Stop Idadismo, Portugal | ||
Asociația Copacul Vieții Cornu, Romania | Asociația Copacul Vieții Cornu is a non-governmental, non-profit organization with legal personality, uniting individuals through voluntary membership who contribute their material resources, knowledge, and personal efforts for the benefit of the local community. It operates in compliance with Romanian law and this Statute. The mission of Asociația Copacul Vieții Cornu is to improve the quality of life for seniors in Cornu by providing social, medical, educational, and recreational support. We are committed to combating social isolation, promoting their health and well-being, and helping them integrate actively into the community. Through collaboration with local authorities and other organizations, we strive to develop innovative programs that meet the specific needs of this vulnerable group, ensuring their access to essential resources and services within a framework based on respect, empathy, and inclusion. The vision of Asociația Copacul Vieții Cornu is of a united and inclusive community in which seniors are respected, supported, and actively involved in social life. We envision a society where every elderly person benefits from an environment that supports their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, allowing them to live a dignified and active life, free from marginalization. By promoting solidarity and innovation in social services, we aspire to build a model of community integration and support that is both replicable and sustainable. | |
Association Amitié Seniors et Jeunes, Democratic Republic of the Congo | The Association Amitié Seniors et Jeunes has been committed, since its creation in 2018, to implement actions aimed at preventing isolation and integrating older people in social life. Breaking isolation and loneliness, offering moments of friendship and sharing, promoting social and intergenerational links, having fun through playful and creative activities.... So many objectives that mobilize the motivation of volunteers and animate the association. Giving, sharing, accompanying, but also learning and receiving from our seniors are the essence of the association. | |
Association for Single Mothers Kenya | ||
Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust (ASSET), India | A team of socially committed individuals with several years of various developmental experiences who have been periodically meeting and discussing various issues affecting the poor and oppressed in general women, aged and children living in and around Madurai Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, Tirupur, Theni and Sivagangai Districts from Tamil Nadu India in particular, attending and organizing trainings and other need based programs later at one stage realized the need for forming an association with legal entity and undertaking fulfledged programs with systematic planning. Thus emerged “ Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust “ in the year 2011 even though it has been functioning since 2008. It is the considered opinion of Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust (ASSET) that unless women inclusive aged the generally neglected, deprived and socially ostracized community are allowed to take part in developmental process and are prepared to upgrade their knowledge, skills and capacities, real development in its truest sense cannot be achieved. Hence all the developmental activities of Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust are directed towards fulfilling the desired goals of forming an eqalitarian society based on live, peace and justice where in aged women too equally enjoy the rights and freedom. | |
Association HIPOKAMP, Poland | Association HIPOKAMP is a Centre for Intergenerational Integration, concentrated on the activities for the seniors and developed with them, according to their expectations and capabilities. We are involved in a lot of groups of interest as well as local and governmental authorities, dealing with the goal "active and healthy ageing", which we understood very wide and interdisciplinary. In Poland there is a document called "Assumptions of the Seniors Long-Term Policy for Poland - 2014-2020". As a representative of the HIPOKAMP Association, I am a member of the Coucil for the Seniors Policy in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The main concern at the moment is to implement the recommendations from the Policy Papers and to identify and solve the most urgent problems. The challenge is also to integrate the planning and thinking in the demographic and population ageing context to all the strategies on the local, communities level. That's why, the gerontological education and information campaigns are very important, as well as civil society empowerment to be strong enough to face the future difficulties and complicated social changes. Our Association promotes also the idea "age friendly cities" in all the aspects, as the suitable tool and signpost for the seniors policy as a whole. Association HIPOKAMP is a provider of the educational and activating, supporting work in the communities, focused on the elders and the intergenerational dimension in demographic context. We support seniors clubs and other non-formal seniors groups, cooperating with nursing homes and daily stay houses for seniors. | |
Association Nationale d’Evaluation Environnementale, DRC | ||
Association of Ghana's Elders | ||
Association Our Years of Life (AOYL/ANAVIE ), Togo | Created in 2012 in Togo, the Association Our Years of Life (AOYL/ANAVIE ) is a non-profit organisation for the promotion and protection of rights and concerns of people of the older people. First organisation of defence of the rights of the people of the older people in Togo, our actions are aimed at giving a vital minimum and a dignity to older people in vulnerable situations and left behind. Our goals : - Propose alternative solutions to the isolation of people of the third ages. - Promote the rights of the older people in all domains. - Change the laws and policies in favour of the elderly - Promote the empowerment of older people. | |
Association Rwandaise pour le Developpement Rural/Rwanda Rural Development Association (ARDR) | ||
ATDAL Over 40, Italy | ATDAL Over 40 is a nationwide non-profit entity established in Milan in 2002 by a group of unemployed citizens, mostly high-level managers and officers. They had been forced to leave their jobs as a consequence of dismissals or individual resignations and were not yet entitled to receive a pension from the State welfare system although in some cases certain workers were very close to qualifying for those pensions. Since the beginning ATDAL Over 40 has been engaging political parties, public authorities and mass media by carrying out projects and actions aimed at helping unemployed people over 40 to re-enter the job market and to protect their rights by expanding the current welfare protection system, since today only 30% of unemployed benefit from an income support in Italy. We also develop educational and information campaigns to raise awareness and effect behavioral change among employers, older learners and workers as well as the general public. ATDAL Over 40 is focuses on people who lost their jobs at individual level (fired workers, people who were paid to resign or forced to resign through bossing /mobbing acts) and who were left, in most cases, without any kind of support. | |
Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association | The Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association, ASCCA, is the National Peak Body for Seniors and Technology in Australia. ASCCA’s non-profit mission is to seek to educate seniors, and people with disabilities where possible in the use of computers as a way of enriching their lives and making them more self-reliant in the world of technology. The Association also seeks to bridge the generation gap and assist seniors in finding ways to benefit the community at large through their collective experience and knowledge. It was established in 1998 and is run by seniors for seniors. ASCCA has established a network of autonomous Seniors Computer Clubs across all states of Australia. Except for the equivalent of 1.3 full time staff ASCCA is run by volunteers. The Association provides a channel for communication between like-minded people, who want to share in the potential of the computer age to serve their individual and community goals. ASCCA seeks to serve the Seniors of Australia by providing advocacy, information, training, forums, seminars and workshops relevant to technology and other issues of importance to older people. ASCCA had built, and maintained, a worthwhile network spanning community organisations, government departments/agencies, Industry, media and the general public. It has also build valuable bridges to International networks. Seniors and those with a disability can be disadvantaged by not knowing how to use technology and ASCCA is determined to help them explore the advantages and satisfaction of using technology. | |
Azar Initiative, Nigeria | Azar Initiative Empowerment for the Less Privileged [Generally known as Azar Initiative -”home for the aged’] is a non-profit organization founded in 2017, focused on catering for the needs of elderly people, from age 65 and above. The goal of Azar initiative is to significantly improve the lives of the elderly citizens by providing solutions to the noticeable inadequacies of elderly care in Nigeria. Azar Initiative focuses on creating a safe haven to cater for the social and healthcare needs for the aged in Nigeria. We aim to set up a system for aged people in terms of health, human rights, elderly abuse and adult literacy. This gap has created a lack of awareness regarding the changing behavioral patterns within the elderly care sector and this has led to an increase in marginalized older persons. VISION: To continuously provide and create platforms that address the needs of the elderly while providing safety, relaxation and comfort. MISSION: To use health and social welfare, human rights advocacy, prevention of elderly abuse and adult literacy as vehicles to greatly improve eldercare. GOALS/Objectives ❖ To set up shelter homes in all geopolitical zones in Nigeria ❖ To carry out healthcare projects and social protection projects ❖ To serve as an advocate for the implementation of human rights of older persons and the prevention of elderly abuse in Nigeria. ❖ To create an avenue for adult education. | |
BAGSO - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen e.V. (German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations) | The German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations (BAGSO) is an umbrella organization that currently includes 119 nationally active member associations (as of November 2018). With that we represent more than 13 million older persons in Germany. BAGSO conceives itself as a lobby group for older generations, advocating their interests towards politics, economy and society, while taking other generations and their needs into account as well. BAGSO was established in 1989. Its board of directors, its national office and specific committees ensure the continuous coordination of issues of common concern. The Association was granted advisory status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 1998. At European level BAGSO is represented in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and member of AGE Platform Europe, the largest network of organisations of and for older persons in Europe. With funding from EU programmes, BAGSO implements cooperation projects with European partners and, in so doing, translates project ideas on current issues into action that could not be managed on a purely national scale. By this means, networks are sustainably formed and consolidated at the European, regional, and local levels. We stimulate debates on current European and international topics and promote international encounters and cross-border exchanges. | |
Ballycara, Australia | ||
Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine (BAAIGM) | ||
Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament | The goal of the Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament is to instil young people with an understanding of parliamentary processes and provide them with the opportunity to influence the country’s policy through direct dialogue between youth and policy-makers. Mission: To empower youths by locally engaged and young leadership development through parliamentary practice. Vision: Young people in Bangladesh take an active role in public and political life through a strong, effective, Connecting Youths Nationwide through representation and high-profile Youth Parliament. Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament highly committed to ensuring rights of older peoples and providing cares with love. | |
Beacon of Hope Uganda | Beacon of Hope Uganda is a community based humanitarian service and rural development organization founded in 2006 with a vision to help those least able to help themselves. Beacon of Hope Uganda designs and conducts programs which contribute to the welfare and social productivity of disadvantaged individuals and communities with an emphasis on children and youth. We address some of the most pervasive problems in rural Uganda, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, hunger, education, poverty, access to clean drinking water, and orphaned children. In addition, we focus on empowering the youth of Uganda through leadership and skills training. Mission: Providing resources to achieve sustainable development in under-resourced areas through effective community education and development of projects. Vision: Self-sustaining individuals and communities free from extreme poverty. Objectives of the Organization: To organize the people to participate in social action process for rural communities’ self-reliance. - To involve with underserved individuals and communities through social action and education. - To promote general health of rural communities particularly children and women. - To develop centers for child and youth development through various approaches. - To address human rights issues such as gender, social administration, and children’s labor and their rights by launching advocacy and lobbing campaigns and means of partner organizations; - To promote human resources by initiating expertise oriented programs though trainings, workshops, seminars, conferences and symposia. | |
Bellies of G.R.R.A.C.E.E., USA | ||
Bilal Charity Foundation, Cameroon | ||
Brooks and District Seniors Outreach Society, Canada | ||
Bukedea Needy Elderly Persons Uganda | ||
Canadian Centre for Elder Law | ||
CanAge, Canada | ||
Care First Foundation, Bangladesh | The Care First Foundation is a Govt. registered non profitable, non-government, voluntary and charitable philanthropic organization working for Aging to reduce geriatric sufferings for a good quality aging life. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE FOUNDATION 1. To accelerate development and improve quality of family and social responsibility to elderly people and restore respect for them in the younger generation through raising awareness and by making people appreciate the value and usefulness of the elderly people for the welfare of the society. 2. To promote family and community accountability and responsibility for proper care and respect for the elderly people. 3. To provide professional services to the elderly people through training, advocacy and group counseling. MANAGEMENT The affairs of the Foundation shall be managed by the Executive Committee of the Foundation, which shall have the responsibility to determine the direction and scope of the activities of the Foundation. THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE FOUNDATION a. General Body b. Executive Committee (EC) Secretary General: He/She shall be the ‘Office-in-Charge’ of the Foundation and shall work as the ‘Chief Executive Officer (CEO)’ of the Secretariat. Our Program approaches and impact : How to eliminate aging risk is our main task by visit door to door visit and provide require service. Our approach is education, advocacy counseling, community aging risk monitoring and caring service mutually with family. After program implemented the beneficiaries will have able to know elderly risk diseases, sufferings ,prevention and care management and family will be how to manage elders. | |
Care for Elderly Community Organization-CECO, South Sudan | Care for Elderly Community Organization (CECO) is an indigenous South Sudanese National and female led None-Governmental Organization operating in South Sudan. CECO is consciously aware of the prevailing situation of the elderly People, Children raised by elderly persons, persons living with Disabilities and vulnerable people in the community. CECO seek to change the plight of the fore mentioned groups through activities that aim at improving their lives. Through women likeminded approach, the organization advocates for the rights of older persons, persons living with disabilities, foster counselling to children raised by older persons especially children living disabilities with the aim of reducing discrimination and promoting the culture of acceptance of the aged in the community. CECO ensures that inclusivity and peace building is always incorporated in its activities, in order to create a peaceful coexistence within the entire community and the neighbouring communities, which is a pre-requisite to achieve any meaningful and tangible post conflict developments for all. CECO also raises awareness in the community about the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. At the moment CECO hopes to be involved in offering various services to the most vulnerable population specifically the elderly (both men and women), persons living with disabilities and children raised by older persons in various localities, IDPs camps, organized camps or spontaneous settlements. | |
Care Rights, Republic of Korea | ||
Carrie Hayter Consulting, Australia | ||
Caxton Legal Centre, Inc, Australia | ||
Center for Community Advancement and Family Empowerment (CECAFE), Liberia | ||
Center For Innovative Social Development-Ghana (CIS-GHANA) | Center For Innovative Social Development (CIS)-Ghana is Non-Governmental Organization committed to transforming the lives of the youth, vulnerable people and improving deprived communities as distinct agents for change. At CIS- GHANA, we value and position people in the center stage of development process, thus making them the means as well as end of development. The vision of CIS-GHANA is to create a just and fair society where everyone can grow his /her potentials to fully access the enormous range of social resources at our disposal. Our portfolio of work has the following groups in focus, these include the aged, women, the youth and children in both rural and urban communities in Ghana. | |
Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP), USA | ||
Center on Ageing, Development and Rights of Older Persons (CADROP), Nigeria | ||
Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires pour le Développement Durable (CERID), Democratic Republic of Congo | ||
Centre for Community Development Solutions Trust, Zimbabwe | ||
Centre for Gerontological Studies, India | CENTRE FOR GERONTOLOGICAL STUDIES, Thiruvananthapuram, India is an International Centre for Inter-disciplinary studies and research on aging. Established in 1983 on the initiative of futuristic senior social science faculty from major South Indian Universities, it has, over time, earned reputation as a unique global centre for studies and research on aging. It received the Government of India Award for Best Centre in 2009. The Centre undertakes studies, research, training, advocacy, consultancy, extension and documentation on the causes, concerns, problems and needs of the elderly. Its unique lies in the fact that that it specializes on the marginalised groups among the elderly – the oldest old, old widows, the abused and the abandoned, those below poverty line, and those requiring terminal and palliative care. It has to its credit the organization of 5 international congresses, more than a dozen national conferences and innumerable regional seminars, discussion groups, colloquia and workshops on aging. It has published several books and prepared several research reports and its faculty has published numerous books and papers on ageing. The Centre has been consultant to the Government of Kerala on important and critical ageing issues and it also offers consultancy to the Government of India. | |
Centre for Happy Elderly People (CHEP), Nigeria | ||
Centre for Human Rights and Development, Mongolia | The Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1998 with a purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and social justice in Mongolia. We envision Mongolia as a nation where every individual enjoys the right to participation and development. CHRD believes that the fulfilment of human rights creates the essential conditions for poverty reduction and sustainable development, the meaningful participation of people in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of national and local development policies and programmes is the sole way of ensuring that everyone equally benefits from the results of development. We fight against all forms of discrimination – ageism, sexism, racism and xenophobia. CHRD implements Human Rights Advocacy, Human Rights Protection and Community Development programmes. We work to strengthen national human rights mechanisms and processes to ensure more effective implementation of international human rights norms and standards, monitor their implementation and advocate for effective legislation and policies through capacity development, awareness raising, community driven processes, public interest litigation. We focus our work on the protection of rights of the most disadvantaged groups – rural and indigenous people, small holder herders, internal migrants, survivors and victims of human trafficking, older persons, women and girls. Gender equality principles are at core of all our interventions. Older persons play key roles in CHRD advocacy and community driven processes. They are in the leadership positions in community self-help and savings groups, advocate with the local and national government for inclusive and transparent development processes. CHRD leads national campaign towards the new International Convention on the human rights of older persons. | |
Centre for Human Rights and Governance, Democratic Republic of Congo | Established during escalation of human rights violations and restrictions to civil, social and political rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo which highlighted alarming trends of violations and repressive measures against people’s freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in 2000s; Centre for Human Rights & Governance (CHURG) is established to encourage the prevention of further erosion of the rights of the Congolese people, and to fully implement its actions to uphold human rights, peace, and good governance. Our mission is to promote human rights, good governance, prevent conflicts, and advocate for a gender inclusive society. CHURG works to promote the esteem of older people by strengthening their participation in the construction of public policies that affect them. It engages in activities that aim at their inclusion, respect and the promotion of their integral well being. We are aware that old people has the right to be protected from any form of exploitation, and discrimination which drive some people to take advantage of their state of vulnerability or dependence to deprive them of their rights. | |
Centre for Senior Care, Sri Lanka | ||
Centro de Investigaciones en Derecho de la Vejez, Argentina | Centro de Investigaciones en Derecho de la Vejez is the first university legal institute created to develop the field of elder law and human rights for older people”. | |
Centro Nacional del Voluntariado CENAVOL Peru | CENAVOL Peru: It is a non-profit civil association, made up of more than 60 volunteer associations of recognized experience and of the most diverse nature, which focuses its action on the promotion, integration and strengthening of volunteering, as a form of education in values and of citizen participation of people of all ages, which seeks to contribute to peace, equity, social inclusion and national development through efforts in coalition with various social actors, such as the State, private companies and civil society, including the academy. Volunteering and old age: CENAVOL recognizes and promotes volunteering as a form of citizen participation, active aging, and intergenerational and intersectoral relationships, since it can take place in the community or in the workplace, through corporate volunteering. We promote both institutional volunteering, as well as mutual aid, or self-help that occurs in sectors in poverty, or with a particular lack, such as groups of patients with TB, hypertension, diabetics or survival organizations, such as the soup kitchens, or the senior groups of the municipal services, of retirees. About the older population: We encourage organizations and groups of older adults to recognize themselves as subjects of law and with the responsibility of contributing to the pursuit of their own well-being. We contribute to the recognition and defense of the rights of the older population through awareness and education on the subject, political incidence, as well as by promoting the role of older adults and their organizations in this process. | |
Charity Organisation for the Welfare of Aged People (COWAP Foundation), Nigeria | ||
CNPEA, Canada | The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) is a national, non-profit organisation focused on elder abuse prevention and response. CNPEA connects people and organisations, fosters the exchange of reliable information, and advances program and policy development on issues related to preventing abuse of older adults, working at the local, regional, provincial/territorial, and national levels. | |
Coalition of Caregivers and Advocates for the Elderly in Liberia | ||
Commonwealth Association for the Ageing- CommonAge, UK | The Commonwealth Association for the Ageing – CommonAge is a voluntary organisation and registered charity founded in Australia in 2013. It is officially accredited by the Commonwealth as a civil society non-governmental organisation. The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal sovereign states, united by shared interests, principles, and values, and dedicated to promoting international understanding and world peace. As population ageing impacts all Commonwealth countries, CommonAge is dedicated to advocating for the rights, needs, and contributions of older people. We work towards creating a truly inclusive, all-agefriendly Commonwealth where no one is marginalized due to age, and where the voices of older persons are recognized and valued by governments and institutions. CommonAge's activities are made possible through the generous donations of its members—both individuals and organisations—and the growing commitment of volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to our cause. Our Board reflects the diversity of the Commonwealth, with its 11 Directors representing seven countries across four continents. Each Director is a distinguished and respected professional in their respective country, with extensive experience in aged care, supported living, and in international advocacy. They devote their time voluntarily to the cause of CommonAge. Know more about our Directors: | |
Community Care Foundation-Uganda (CCFU) | CCFU is a youth led and youth serving non-profit organization operating in Masaka region. CCFU is founded by a group of young people (peer educators) who decided to volunteer their time to work towards social transformation. We are working to improve the wellbeing of young people, women and elderly in the Masaka region to live a better & a purpose driven life through providing Educating, Engaging & Empowering them. CCFU is to bring love and hope to young people and to transform poor communities in Masaka region and in Uganda atlarge. Since 2016 CCFU has demonstrated that young people are significant actors in development and can drive positive change at local, regional and national level in the areas of Education Support, Women Empowerment, Behavior Change Communication, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights & HIV/AIDS awareness in young people. We work to bring about sustainable changes through Educating, Engaging and Empowering young people. | |
Community Development and Relief Agency (CODRA), Tanzania | ||
Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance (CDVTA Cameroon) | ||
Community Legal Centres Australia | Community Legal Centres Australia is the peak national body for community legal centres (CLCs) in Australia. Its members are the peak bodies of CLCs in each Australian state and territory. Community Legal Centres are independently operating not-for-profit, community-based organisations that provide legal services to the public, focusing on disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community as well as people with special needs. Some CLCs offer specialist legal services and others provide services targeted to particular groups, including older people. Community Legal Centres Australia has a history of pursuing the rights of older persons both domestically and internationally. Community Legal Centres Australia also has special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The organisation is previously known as the National Association for Community Legal Centres (NACLC). | |
Community Restoration Initiative Project (CRIP), Uganda | Community Restoration Initiative Project (CRIP)is a not for profit human rights and gender equality national non government organization. CRIP enjoys cordial relationships with many local and international like minded organizations including having consultative status with the UN ECOSOC. Advocating for the realization of peoples rights in all spheres of life of which older persons are not excluded and our key targets. Areas of focus are Social protection, Health, Education, Livelihood, Control on land and other natural resources. | |
Concern for Elders Initiative (CEI), Nigeria | Concern for Elders Initiative (CEI) is a charitable and Non Governmental Organization registered in 2010 with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission Abuja, with registration No. 38432. The organization is established to confront and address the menace of Elder Abuse and several other challenges peculiar to the elderly in our midst. The coming into existence of CEI is a clarion call to rescue older persons from chronic poverty, abandonment, discrimination, prejudice and hostility. The spate of abandonment and inhuman treatment accorded the aged in Nigeria is saddening. Abject and chronic poverty is another worrisome twist among the elderly. These are men and women above 60 years of age who have invested their time, energy and resources in nation building, but retired as a result of obvious physical decline. Our laws and policies towards their protection and care appear to be poor and largely inadequate. These and several other anomalies form the basics of CEI 5-piont Agenda and the PSCSC. The development is not only counter-productive; it renders old age undesirable instead of a virtue, an aspiration and a desirable quality worthy for all mankind. CEI is raising awareness and giving succour, networking likeminded groups and individual locally and internationally, seeking global cooperation and synergy to protect and keep the dignity of the elderly irrespective of their ethnic origin, socioeconomic and religious background. | |
Congress of Union Retirees of Canada | ||
Conicet, Argentina | ||
Connecticut Age Well Collaborative, USA | The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative is a statewide, cross-sector initiative that fosters aging, dementia and disability-inclusive communities. Delegated by Connecticut’s Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity, we’re leading the state’s livable communities initiative (Conn. Gen. Stat. Section 17b-420a). Livable communities are inclusive, vibrant, intergenerational places where we all can thrive across the lifespan. We’re part of Connecticut Community Care, a nonprofit that helps people live their best lives at home and with meaningful connection to support and services right around them, in their communities. We develop and lead a statewide campaign, Every Age, Every Ability, promoting inclusion and disrupting negative bias. We build community authority through our community leaders fellowship program, working to deepen the value of lived experience in municipal decision-making. We provide resources, education and support; celebrate and scale community action through our wellspring awards; and lead multi-sector planning and policy efforts. Learn more at | |
Console Mission, Nepal | Vision: Console the weak and advocacy for the voiceless for a fair, peaceful and complete society by addressing the hindrances to the sustainable development of Nepal. Mission: For the sustainable and peaceful society, through behavioural health and education, health linked with social issues and complete management. Name of the Project Created: Strengthening Elderly Shelter Homes. Background: It is already over 5 years the Console Mission Team has been involved in 2 dozens of shelter homes. Many caregivers, social workers and even managers participated. Now the time has come that we concentrate on few shelter homes in order to develop model shelter homes. We want to see the good food management. We want to see improved health of elderly people and orphans. We started a feeding program and regular health check-up of elderly mothers and in some shelter homes elderly men as well. Overall objective: By serving nutritious food, it will lower food costs, keep their beneficiary healthy that will also lower the health treatment costs. Moreover, it will help homes to direct towards good environment. Objectives: 1. promote the health of elderly people residing at shelter homes. 2. assess the health status of the elderly people and orphans and rescued people from the street. 3. execute regular feeding programs. 4. organize regular health check-up. 5. organize a team of part time volunteers. 6. support from the experts in nutrition and trainers. | |
Convite Asociación Civil, Venezuela | ||
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Institute, College of law & Business, Israel | Corporate social responsibility (hereinafter “CSR”) is the term commonly used to describe the overall social, environmental, and governance efforts undertaken by business entities. It entails various activities such as the engagement of stakeholders, public relations, political lobbying, risk mitigation, community involvement, financial contributions, and so on. CSR Institute (CSRI) is a leading think tank promoting advanced managerial thinking that integrates social values into the core activities of the business. One of our leading projects, "CSR 65.0" is an effort to align CSR with the societal challenges of an aging population. The private sector carries a huge potential to contribute to improving old people's lives by improving working conditions, provide suited products and services and recruit innovation to this cause. | |
Costa Rican Gerontological Association (AGECO) | The Costa Rican Gerontological Association (AGECO) was established in 1980 to improve the lives of older people and promote an active ageing process for its citizens. Also, it is dedicated to advocate for older people's participation in society by encouraging older people, families and communities to integrate. Specifically, AGECO offers training to institutions, organizations and community groups on topics related to ageing. AGECO is a non-governmental organization that is recognized by its work strengthening the different local organizations that advocate for the older people. Since the beginning, the organization has trained different stakeholders to learn about ageing. Also promotes the intergenerational approach, involving the young population to respect, acknowledge and involve their grandparents into the family dynamics. Currently AGECO supports the government implementing recreational and physical activities with the older people within the community clubs that are located throughout the country, has 200 volunteers and provides specialized consulting to the public entities that attend older people. AGECO promotes the human rights and gender approach in all activities. The main principles are social participation, education and human rights. AGECO tries to ensure the opinion of older women and men are heard and their experiences are part of the change and improvement of the country. The organization makes sure that all the activities they promote help older people to speak out and make decisions about their private life, plans and own wellbeing. Nowadays, AGECO is providing 195 different courses to some 1,000 older people and is also advocating for the compliance of the Costa Rica Government of the Inter-American Convention that Protects the Human Rights of the Elderly. | |
COTA Australia | COTA Australia’s mission is to: -Promote, improve and protect the circumstances and wellbeing of older people in Australia as citizens and consumers. -Be recognised by government, the general community and media as representing, advocating for and serving all older Australians. COTA Australia promotes the concerns of older people at the highest level of government and associated organisations. COTA Australia makes representation to Federal Government Ministers, Shadow Ministers and senior advisers on issues of relevance to older people. Its submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry “Caring for Older Australians” was used by the Commission as the guide text for its inquiry. COTA Australia develops innovative programs through a national unit dedicated to this activity. These programs are delivered throughout Australia. | |
COTA Tasmania, Australia | ||
Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations of BC, Canada | ||
CSYM Huduma - Christian Spiritual Youth Ministry, Tanzania | ||
Current Evangelism Ministries, Sierra Leone | CEM Sierra Leone is an ecumenical consortium of approximately 500 indigenous churches, grassroots agencies and Christian inspired groups. It is an interdenominational Christian and non-governmental organization established on the 16th October, 1992 amidst the assured conflict in Sierra Leone. It is dedicated to the proposition that absolute poverty can be substantially reduced through concerted actions. The organization is committed to the enhancement of the spiritual and socio economic well-being of the people of Sierra Leone, especially the older people, the vulnerable children, and widows by contributing to education, general development, promoting the alleviation of hunger, poverty and the elimination of diseases. | |
DadiDada Foundation, India | DadiDada Foundation (DDF) is an organisation working for the welfare of senior citizens in India. The prime objective of DDF is to educate senior citizens on their rights and provide them. 1) Legal support. 2) Mental and physical support. 3) Arrange livelihood facilities for elders. It is seen elders are very often deprived of their rights and benefits of various schemes meant for them. DDF volunteers across the cities not only help the elderly secure their rights but also provide legal aid if necessary. Secondly, DDF helps senior citizens with health management - both physical and mental. Volunteer health experts engage with them and guide them on proper medication, and give them mental support. sure that their physical and mental health is not compromised at any cost. Thirdly, DDF carries out work of providing senior citizens other livelihood services such arranging food and lodging and other basic amenities. | |
Dagomo Foundation, Nigeria | ||
DaneAge (Aeldre Sagen) | Facts • DaneAge was founded in 1986 and is a not-for-profit, direct membership organization • DaneAge has 690,000 members (the Danish population is 5.6 million people) • 32 % of all Danes aged 50+ are members of DaneAge • Membership is open to all adults (age 18+) • DaneAge is independent, non-partisan and neutral regarding party politics, religion, and ethnic origins • DaneAge has 217 local chapters across Denmark • DaneAge has 15,400 volunteers working in the local chapters, doing voluntary social work, providing local membership activities, local advocacy, etc. • DaneAge’s headquarters in Copenhagen has a staff of 115 (FTE) The mission of DaneAge is to fight for a society in which all can live long and good lives; a society in which: • The person is more important than their age, • It is possible to live and flourish on their own terms, • Support and care are available for those who need it. | |
Dar Al Ajaza Al Islamia, Lebanon | Established in 1952, Dar Al Ajaza Hospital (DAIH) is a non-profit charitable organization devoted for caring and sheltering the elderly and mentally disabled patients in Lebanon. Dar Al Ajaza has provided services to more than 50,000 in-patients and 180,000 out-patients since 1954 until present time DAIH's mission is to champion the quality of life for all seniors and those suffering from mental illness. Our resident-centered philosophy of care delivers individualized services based on the needs of our patients. Our vision is to be a pioneer in providing exceptional health care for the elderly and those suffering from mental illness in Lebanon. | |
Dar ul Sukun, Pakistan | Dar ul Sukun center for the older people is a non-governmental development organisation that not only strives for the rights for the older population but also provides protection, care and Social-rehabilitation to the abandoned older people. It originated as a home for the abandoned children with disabilities, it was founded on 17th February 1969 by a Dutch nun, Sr. Gertrude Lemmens. Overtime, Dar ul Sukun has grown into a large organization with network of protection and care centers mainly in Karachi city and around the country. Programmatically, in Karachi alone, the scope of service has expanded into various dimensions including work for socially displaced girls and women, senior citizens, education and skill scholarship for poor students and family adaptation scheme etc. Knowing the aging challenges constant efforts by Dar ul Sukun is being propelled for their rights, reverence and dignity in the society. Mission: To provide support, respect and shelter to the older people and poor families for viable change in their lives through a team of committed & dedicated professionals and compassionate volunteers. Helping people overcome the sufferings in the overall aim of the organization. However the centerpiece of Dar ul sukun’s mission statement is the specific people because: They hardly ever complain and have very specific desires. Vision: Our vision is to provide sustained high quality sensitive care, health and nutritional services, constructing living places and rehabilitation centers and facilities for freedom and leisure activities through a team of committed professionals, and compassionate volunteers all over the country. Dar ul Sukun envisions inspiring change for lasting solutions to the problems of the beneficiaries of its service. VALUES: - Quality Care - Diversity - Accountability/Transparency - Commitment - Awareness - Reverence | |
DATT Siparia Branch, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
Dementia Alliance International, USA | Dementia Alliance International (DAI) a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation whose membership is exclusively for people with a medically confirmed diagnosis of any type of a dementia, co-founded on January 1, 2014 by eight people from three counties, with members now from 47 countries globally. We seek to represent, support, and educate others living with the disease, and the wider dementia community. We are an organization that strives to provide a unified voice of strength, advocacy and support in the fight for individual autonomy and improved quality of life. We provide many online services and other support, including education to members and the broader dementia community. The World Health Organisation states "Dementia is the leading casue of disability ad dependence in older persons", and globally estimate there are 50 million people currently living with dementia, and a projected 152 million by 2050. DAI works to support people to live more positively with dementia, and campaigns for dementia to be managed as a disability, rather than through the medical lens of a pathway only of deficits and death. Our global advocacy focus is on ensuring the human rights and access to the CRPD and other Conventions for all people with dementia and their families. | |
Development, Welfare and Research Foundation, India | ||
Dharma Foundation of India | The Dharma Foundation of India is an NGO which aims to achieve the following: 1. To develop and implement Active Ageing a WHO guideline in community dwelling elderly. 2. To create a community based model by empowering elderly for chronic disease prevention , create opportunities to permit elderly to have productive social participation, and utilize their resources in community development programs. 3. To capture effect of active ageing using the WHO guideline of International Classification of Functioning 4. To develop best practices for lifelong learning 5. To provide an array of essential services to the elderly. 6. To create a resource of community health volunteers for the disadvantaged population. 7. To involve more elderly members of the community, to adapt the dialogue to the realities of a community and to help the spirit of dialogue to become part of the everyday lives of all participants. 8. To improve contacts between different generations and ensure that all groups can benefit from these contacts. | |
Dignity Foundation, India | ||
Dis-Moi (Droits Humains Ocean Indien), Madagascar | Dis Moi Madagascar is a human right association belonging to the Dis Moi ( Droits Humains Océan Indien) great family, a regional NGO in the South West Indian Ocean. We work in the field of advancing human rights in all forms; and our mission is to help create a strong human rights culture among the population of the region, namely in Madagascar, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Comoros, the Seychelles and la Réunion and aims at giving citizens skills, knowledge, and attitude for them to fully develop their potential as citizens. Thus, we focus on our main priorities such as: Human Rights Education, Human Rights awareness through: - Human Rights Training - Media (Facebook page, website) - Advocacy and Sensitization campaigns We have set up thematic commissions to fight against all forms of discrimination; ranging from the basis to the top: - Commission of the rights of the child - Commission of economic, social, cultural rights - Commission of the rights of women - Commission of Ecology ( as living in a healthy environment is a fundamental right) - Commission of the persons living with disabilities rights - Commission of the key population ( including the LGBTQA+ community, sex workers and drug takers : vulnerable to HIV/ AIDS) - Commission of the older persons rights; the last but not the least. They are suffering from social stigma (ageism) in their everyday lives and we are advocating for an International Convention in their favour. | |
DIS-MOI (Droits Humains - Ocean Indien), Mauritius | DIS-MOI is a NGO founded in 2012 with the objective of endeavouring towards a society for more justice in conjunction with the fundamental values of human rights. We conduct, inter alia, a sustained education and training programme on human rights aimed at students, young adults, and older people. We have put up several specialized commissions of which the Commission for the Rights of Older People. DIS-MOI , as a thriving organization in advocacy for human rights in the Indian Ocean, is leading a vast national campaign in view of creating awareness and promoting older people’s rights. We pose ourselves as one of the stakeholders vis-à-vis the Government while we provide a weekly platform for the dissemination of concise, correct and valid information in one of the best selling dailies in the country. We lobby for the Government of Mauritius to join international coordinated lobbying efforts for a Convention for the Rights of Older People. | |
Divine Mercy Millennium 2001 GRP, Kenya | ||
DK International Research Foundation, India | DK International Research Foundation (DKIRF) – Non Profit Organization established in 2017 is an educational service organization. DKIRF was envisioned and founded by Mr. C. Ashok Kumar. The Foundation aims to accelerate use of modern science for sustainable agricultural and rural development. DKIRF focuses specifically on research and development work and to own, establish, maintain laboratories, experiment centres, assist, subsidise any Government Semi Government, Private, Universities for Scientific and other research work and inventions related to the agro based business of the company by providing or contributing to the remuneration of research, scientific or technical professors, teachers for technical researchers, providing or contributing to the awards, prizes, scholarships, grants, sponsorships to the students or others to encourage them. Objectives: - To initiate and promote programmes aimed at advancing the status, well being, safety and security of vulnerable and needy older persons. - To provide community based health care services for frail, bedridden, vulnerable and needy older persons. - To initiate prevention and educational programmes on HIV/AIDS for older persons. - To provide empowerment programmes for vulnerable and needy older persons visa viz, adult education. - To conduct relevant social research so as to provide and initiate effective interventions. - To compile relevant publications and disseminate information relating to older persons. - To initiate and implement intergenerational programmes. - To lobby and advocate for the rights of older persons. | |
DOBARA, India | ||
Domestic Violence Legal Aid Uganda (Dovilaid) | DOVILAID is a local civil society organization committed to protecting indigent vulnerable children, women and elderly persons from violence, human rights abuse and HIV/AIDS in Uganda. DOVILAID is registered as a charitable organisation by the registrar of companies in Uganda under reg. no 217020. 0ur mission is to become a leading provider of legal aid services of choice in order to ensure access to justice for the poor and vulnerable persons so as to promote the socio-economic development of Uganda. The services we offer include; 1. Legal advice 2. Legal education 3. Court representation 4. Mediation 5. Counseling and psycho social support generally 6. Referral and follow up with other relevant institutions 7. Legal and human rights awareness creation 8. Advocacy both on and at the local level and the legal aid policy framework at the national level. We work with communities, institutions, civil society and the government, to promote people’s rights so as to create safer, healthier, and happier relationships, homes and communities. The work aims to create change in the attitudes, behavior, and practices that perpetuate domestic violence and HIV/AIDS in Uganda. | |
Durojaiyevic Health Care and Old People Initiatives, Nigeria | Durojaiyevic Health Care and Old People Initiatives is a not-for-profit and non-political organization that aims to ensure that senior citizens are given better health/medical treatments and their security are ensured by the care takers. The organization aims to rehabilitate their individuality and personality and give back the identity and dignity of senior citizens. Activities include life style management, counselling, problem solving therapy, de-stress therapy, yoga, meditation and laughter therapy. | |
ECD Manyara - TECDEN Chapter, Tanzania | ||
Ecumenical Commission for Human Development, Pakistan | ||
El-Aged Care Ltd/GTE, Nigeria | ||
El-Wedad Society for Community Rehabilitation League (WHEEL) | El-Wedad Society for Community Rehabilitation (WSCR) is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization. It was established in March 2001 to provide the services of psychosocial and educational rehabilitation and development for the local community all over the Gaza Strip. The major categories targeted are children, women, youth, and elderly people who receive quality and non-discriminatory services of training, counseling, guidance, and awareness in the various psychosocial and educational fields. The WSCR Association is seeking to implement the projects in the spirit of long-term programs, and forward-looking vision which is pursuing a logical concept of institutional development and improvement perspective permanent, and not within the abstract of the relief context who leads most institutions. The WSCR is working hard to achieve the principle of raising the efficiency of the local community and move it behaviorally and polarization of a positive belief that a society in all its components, that is the true partner and affective solution to reduce the load on the Official agencies. | |
Elder Abuse Action Australia | Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) is the national voice for action to eliminate elder abuse through systemic advocacy and policy development, best practice and research, and education and capacity building. EAAA is a specialist organisation with knowledge of issues that impact older people and their families, communities and broader society. Our board represents advocacy groups that are strong advocates on elder abuse in their jurisdictions. EAAA has a strong commitment to community and consumer engagement. In addition, EAAA is the only national organisation providing a specific voice for those affected by elder abuse. EAAA also hosts Compass: Guiding action on elder abuse, a website dedicated to sharing knowledge, research, information and resources on elder abuse. Compass aims to create a national focus on elder abuse by raising awareness of this growing social issue and simplifying the process of connecting people to services and information. | |
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, Canada | Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO), founded in 1989, is the registered charitable, non-profit organization, recognized for its leadership in elder abuse prevention. While it continues to help break down barriers, whether language, cultural, accessibility challenges or addressing fundamental gaps in knowledge, it endeavours to improve the quality of life and well-being of seniors. EAPO is focused on building community capacity through a prevention lens, by raising public awareness through educational forums or training service professionals, to be able to recognize and appropriately respond when supporting those at-risk or experiencing elder abuse. Engaged with various community partners (over 40 volunteer, local area networks) or Pan-Canadian agencies, service providers, or global partners advocating for the declaration of the UN convention on the rights of older persons, EAPO is working diligently to eliminate ageism and abuse, restoring respect for older adults, while advancing and helping protect their human rights. | |
Elder-Mediation Australasian Network, Australia | The Elder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) is a not for profit, Australian incorporated association with members who are experienced professionals dedicated to:- • raising awareness of elder mediation • building knowledge about elder mediation • developing professional ethics, standards, and certification for elder mediators • encouraging referrals to relevant services, including mediation and other services tailored to the circumstances of older people (our elders) in Australasia. Elder mediators can assist older people, their families, and significant others, with difficult conversations to make plans and to reach outcomes to disagreements. Outcomes that are relevant, and work effectively for the older person, respect their rights, and enhance their safety. The Elder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) intends to be the professional network of choice for matters relating to elder mediation in the Australasian region. The EMAN website aims to: • raise awareness of elder mediation and the activities and services of mediators and others, who are members of EMAN • provide information and knowledge about elder mediation for dispute resolution practitioners, other professionals and people wishing to access elder mediation services • provide links to publications, conferences, and other events and to relevant resources, services, and websites • promote EMAN and encourage professionals involved with matters for older people, to join the network | |
Elderly My Solidarity Investment | Organization Background: Elderly My Solidarity Investment is an Elderly led organization which was established in 2008 with the aim of joining hands and making productive gifts the elderly have despite abandonment and non-recognition by the community. After realising that age has no limits to what we can do and produce, we were able to produce hand made products (hand crafts) though we experience difficulties in marketing of the products. Though older persons have not been given respect they deserve, they are honoured that they are resources of community tradition and roles of advisors to guide and support the younger generation with wisdom that comes from a lifetime of experience obtained while raising new generations. Mission: To see a society where there are productive and reproductive elderly roles that are shaped by cultural norms and values, moulded and constrained within specific economic, demographic and socio-political systems. Vision: To have elderly free from all forms of elder abuse and see the elderly advantages on the contribution to the welfare of the family and community. Achievement: The only achievement reached is of handcrafts productions, though currently we want to go beyond by creating older centres with income generation activities all over the country in all regions and further expand the centres in districts and wards. | |
Elders Assistancy ASBL, DRC | Elders Assistancy is a non-profit, charitable and philanthropic association created in the DRC since 2016 with the aim of helping vulnerable elderly people with food and non-food assistance. ELDAS / asbl aims and objectives: - Contribute to improving the living conditions of senior citizens - Provide moral and material assistance to senior citizens - Reduce the level of insecurity of elderly people in the DRC - Create old people's homes in the DRC - Increase agricultural production of senior citizens - Ensure social integration for Congolese elderly people with isolation problems - Promote the health and psychosocial support of seniors - Improve the socio-economic conditions of senior citizens - protect the human dignity of the elderly in the community. | |
Elders Clubs International Foundation, India | ||
Elders Concern Uganda | ||
Eliminate Gender Bias Organisation, Tanzania | ||
Empower and Care Organization Uganda (EACO) | Empower and Care Organization Uganda (EACO) was established to address the limited educational and economic opportunities that exist for vulnerable groups of women and children in Mukono County. EACO’s vision is that, by implementing activities that provide these opportunities, it will contribute to the reduction of poverty and HIV/AIDS in the Mukono community. | |
Enterprise Development & Governance Facility (EDGF), Cameroon | ||
Equality Uganda | EQUALITY UGANDA is an independent not-for-profit civil society organisation established to respond to outrageous inequalities in the various spheres of life among Ugandans. Formed in 2017, in recognition of 4th paragraph of the preamble and article 21 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the non-partisan society was incorporated in 2018 as Partners For Livelihood Enhancement Services-Uganda (PLES-Uganda). We work towards eradicating unjust socio-economic, cultural and political inequalities amid promotion of equal access to basic rights, opportunities, resources, and social justice for all regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, birth, colour, social or economic standing, political opinion, AGE or disability. Ugandan elderly grapple with structural barriers in the age of inequality majorly; unequal economic opportunities. Such discrimination of elderly based on their age contravenes our belief at Equality Uganda because our conviction is that “Everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights and that every human being freedom to believe what they want, voice their opinions and influence the established order.” We monitor and shine spotlight on all forms of inequality trends, engage in innovative research about inequalities, advocacy campaigns against inequality, and provide strategic litigations on behalf of victims of the scourge of inequality all aimed at holding the government accountable by ensuring that laws, policies and practices comply with Uganda’s , regional, and international obligation human rights obligations. We develop and run projects across Uganda hinged on addressing the social welfare of the elderly, economic empowerment build elderly capacities on gender and equity rights through strategic partnerships to enable them participate and influence the establishment of the order in their communities. | |
Ethiopian Elderly and Pensioners National Association (EEPNA) | Ethiopian Elderly and Pensioners National Association (EEPNA) is a national umbrella institution of over 823 older people Associations in Ethiopia that works for the right and well being of older Women and Men in the Country. A group of visionary Ethiopian older men and women who were dissatisfied with the socio–economic and political marginalization of Ethiopian elderly has initiated the establishment of EEPNA and officially established this national hub in 2001 to voice for the right and entitlements of all older people in the country. Currently, EEPNA is the only institution of its kind representing over 6.8 million older people in Ethiopia. Since its conception, EEPNA has played vital role in establishing and strengthening older people Associations all over the country; undertaking sound advocacy and awareness raising campaigns; organizing policy dialogue forums; facilitating inter-generational knowledge transfer sessions; evidence gathering and creating conducive environment for older people partners. Moreover EEPNA is also among the leading organization that advocate for all marginalized and hard to reach community group through its institutionalized campaigning strategy “Leave No One Behind: Promoting a Society for all.” It has established strong partnership with different Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations and National Associations to have ample opportunity of networking in voicing aging issues. | |
EveryAGE Counts, Australia | EveryAGE Counts is Australia’s national coalition and grassroots movement to end ageism. Our coalition comprises national peaks and advocacy organisations, researcher and academics, unions, service delivery and special interest organisations, as well as many thousands of individual supporters. Our goal is to set strong foundations for current and future generations to age well. We are dedicated to highlighting the social, economic and civic impacts of ageism experienced by older people, and building an Australia that no longer tolerates it. | |
Family Ark Mission, Nigeria | ||
Fantsuam Foundation, Nigeria | ||
FEDA (Femme et Education des Adultes), Democratic Republic of Congo | FEDA (Femmes et education des Adultes) is founded in 2007 to provide education and economic opportunities to women/girls who were denied an education as a result of the conflict and now need support to help rebuild their lives. FEDA is based in Kazimia- center, Territory of FIZI, South-Kivu, province in the Democratic republic of Congo. FEDA aims at: -Heightening social awareness, -Increasing poorest girls school enrolment, self-confidence and personality development, Promoting gender equity, women’s rights, women’s social and economic empowerment and the status of women in the community, -Enabling educational equality, decision-making, leadership and help to build peace. FEDA have developed a range of programs namely: -Home-based literacy learning and Vocational trainings, -Women’s rights-Gender based violence,-Reproductive health and HIV/AIDS education, -Support of orphaned girls in schools, support of old people without assistance -Peacebuilding through Peace embassy program All these activities are subjected to women, girls and vulnerable groups victimized by the war. | |
Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta (Grandparents Malta Foundation) | ||
Forum for the Rights of the Elderly, Bangladesh (FREB) | The organization ‘Forum for the Rights of Elderly', Bangladesh (FREB) was established in 2004. It has two types of membership; organizational and individuals. The NGOs working for Elderly can become member of FREB and individual members are generally those who are aware of or expert on elderly issues, problems, challenges, etc. or interested to work for elderly rights and wellbeing. 29 NGOs at present are associate members of FREB who work for older people in different parts of the country. This is a registered organization under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh. The primary objective of FREB is to create awareness among people, civil society members, media, policymakers/Government about emerging elderly problems, issues, challenges in the country, and influence/convince the governments/ policymakers about necessary steps, program, policies, laws that may be necessary to promote and establish elderly rights in all spheres of life. The organization has some achievements in its credit; it worked hard to influence the Government to come up with a ‘National Policy for Older People’ and to declare them as ‘Senior Citizen’ of the country and both of them got done in 2013. | |
Foundation Eddy Mesidor for Development (FEMED), Haiti | ||
Foundation of Rural Education and Management for Social Services (FREMSS ODISHA), India | Foundation of Rural Education and Management for Social Service, familiarly known as FREMSS ODISHA, It is a secular, non-profit, Charitable, Community based Grassroots level Organization. Working to create a positive and enduring change in the lives of children, families and communities living in abject poverty and undue inequality. Irrespective of religion, caste, creed, race, ethnicity or gender, FREMSS extends a helping hand to anyone and everyone who deserve it. With a wide network spanning in India. Our overall goal is the empowerment of women and Children from poor and marginalized communities, leading to improvement in their lives and livelihoods and Scope for all-round development. OUR VISION: FREMSS envisages an inclusive society where each person has an identity, independence and exercises his/her rights with dignity and equality especially persons with disability, women, children, elderly, ultra poor and other socially excluded groups. OUR MISSION: i. Working with weaker and marginalized sections of the society with special focus on women, children, disabled and senior citizens for participatory inclusive development ; ii. To eradicate poverty and empower the disadvantaged sections of the society through holistic education and providing them with sustainable livelihood. iii. Providing micro credit to achieve economic independence and gender equality of women; iv. Building alliances and networks among NGOs/Government and CBOs; and, v. Encouraging environment-friendly development alternatives with human values for better future for nature and humanity as a whole. OUR CORE VALUES: a) Transparency b) Honesty c) Faith d) Integrity e) Discipline | |
Free Forum for Rights, Nepal | ||
Friends of the Elderly, Uganda | ||
Fruitful Society Network, Uganda | ||
Fundació Aroa (Aroa Foundation), Spain | ||
Fundacio Vella Terra, Spain | ||
Fundación Abuelitos y Abuelitas de la Calle, Ecuador | ||
Fundación Macochoa Abrazar A.C. - Amigos de los Adultos Mayores, Mexico | Amigos de los Adultos Mayores is a non-profit volunteer-based association in Mexico committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. We offer to people of goodwill the opportunity to join the elderly in friendship and celebration of life. We welcome men and women from every walk of life who are aging without support from family and friends. We offer free programs, providing opportunities for seniors to form friendships with volunteers, peers, and Amigos de los Adultos Mayores staff. We make a lifelong commitment to our elders so that no one ages alone. Our motto, flowers before bread, expresses our philosophy that elders need the special pleasures in life in addition to the basic necessities. Love, dignity and beauty in life are as essential to life as physical needs. For that, our volunteers bring friendship, conversation, connection and engagement to the isolated and lonely Mexico elders we serve. Because of our volunteers, our elders know the meaningful difference that friends make daily in life. | |
Fundación Navarro Viola, Argentina | The Navarro Viola Foundation's mission is to support education, social medicine and care for the elderly, areas that emerge from the causes to which each of the founders dedicated with passion. Through a comprehensive approach to its different areas, the Foundation has among its main objectives: • Education - Early literacy and the improvement of educational quality. - Strengthening of educational and childcare spaces. - The strengthening of families as an early learning environment. • Social medicine - Health care, health prevention and promotion from a community-based perspective and focusing on health during early childhood and the health of older people. • Older people - Re-signifying the role of older people in families and in society, highlighting their importance in these communities. - The social integration of the elderly through collaborative projects in which they are protagonists. | |
Fundación RAFAM Argentina | The RAFAM Argentina Foundation and RAFAM International is the Physical Activity Network for Older Adults. It was born 10 years ago with the aim of improving the quality of life of older people through the practice of physical activity. We are made up of 160 members in 14 countries and we have two lines of action, one related to creating spaces in which older people have the possibility of practicing physical activity for free and the other is training for students and professionals related to gerontology . We carry out promotion and prevention campaigns to raise awareness in the community and we have agreements with Hospitals, Universities and other organizations with whom we work interdisciplinary and intergenerationally. | |
Fundación Revivir, Chile | ||
Fundación SIDOM, Argentina | The SIDOM Foundation aims to produce knowledge to understand human aging and the longevity of populations. Based on research, teaching, technical assistance and consultancy, the professional teams that make up the SIDOM Foundation are committed to improving the quality of life of the elderly within an inclusive society without discrimination. To do this, we work to meet the following objectives: • Generate new knowledge from theoretical and applied research. • Organize activities aimed at deepening the relationship and dialogue between professionals in the academic and scientific fields, the social sectors and political actors. • Carry out demographic and statistical studies related to the problem of population aging. • Design or implement systems of accreditation of services and procedures for the care of the elderly according to international standards. • Make proposals and recommendations for the management of public policies. • Provide professional training. • Celebrate cooperation and technical assistance agreements with public and private organizations in Argentina and abroad. | |
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association (FHRRDA), Pakistan | ||
GAPAFOT | GAPAFOT is a national NGO located in the Central African Republic; one of the world's poorest and most conflict ridden countries. Faced with many development challenges, GAPAFOT has worked in rural and urban areas across the nation since 1996 to protection older people within the country. | |
Geriatric Care and Vulnerable Support Initiative (GCVSI NGO), Nigeria | ||
Geriatric Respite Care Foundation | Geriatric Respite Care Foundation (G.R.C.F) is a health organization started to offer decent health life style to older persons of Uganda. The Foundation’s objectives are in line with Uganda Government’s National Policy for Older Persons (2009); “Ageing with Security and Dignity”; and compliments national health guidelines of providing comfort to older persons. Geriatric Community and Holistic Palliative Care services (GCHPCS) as our major activity, value socially as well as training both the public and older persons on the health rights. Other core activities GRCFU is seeking for partnership to ensure rights of older persons implemented are: a. Age Friendly Cities and Communities to reduce on Elder Abuse. b. Boast GCHPCS department with a service van. (For frails) c. Research on the Geriatrics, Palliative Care, Gerontology, Nutrition, Caregiving, wellness and Alzheimer diseases. In future, we plan to set up a Geriatric and Respite Centre in a quiet environment for the benefits of longevity, preventive and curative care hence productive to break the stereotype that older persons are passive consumers of social and health services. We call for partnership with individuals, organizations and companies in this new innovation and the first of its kind in Uganda. Volunteers who can promote the rights and quality of life as well as integrating older persons into the society in a meaningful way, are well come. | |
Geriatric Society Of Nepal | ||
Gerontological Society of Serbia | Gerontological Society of Serbia is a scientific-professional, social-humanitarian and non-profit organization founded in 1973 following the initiative of the most competent experts in the field of geriatrics and social gerontology. The challenge that prompted the founding of this important association was the demographic transition, which has led to a sharp increase in the share of people over the age of 65 in the total population since the early 1970s. Already in the period from 1971 to 1991, the number of persons over the age of 65 increased from 709,000 to 983,000 (10.0%), and today the share of older persons in the population is 21.1%. The foremost mission of the Gerontological Society of Serbia is to continuously advocate for the improvement of the quality of life in older age, primarily through research, campaigns and advocating that dignified aging be part of all public policies. Gerontological Society of Serbia advocates for older persons to be equal members of society, fights for the protection of older persons from all forms of violence, encourages research in this area and advocates the adoption of the New United Nations Convention on the Rights of older persons. | |
Gerontoplus, Venezuela | ||
Gharonda, India | Vision: - Active Aging & Independent Living - Advocacy for Excellence in age care through innovative, community-based support systems, ensuring that Senior and Super Senior Citizens are healthy, happy, empowered and living with dignity without hassles & worries of housekeeping. - Provide a platform to connect with peer groups to mitigate loneliness, social isolation, depression, and dependence and share common concerns. Mission: - Provide holistic assistance, care & service to the inmates of different socio-economic groups & help them combat elder abuse. - Render comprehensive care and services to enjoy ‘Active Aging & Independent Living’. - Enhance physical fitness through yoga and meditation. - Advocacy for the rights of Senior and Super Senior Citizens, Women and Children. - Honing skills and promoting postretirement wellness through life enrichment program. | |
Girls Education Advocacy Group, Tanzania | This a girls advocacy organ for the marginalized communities who to support women development and aiming to work with other organizations’ effectively when it comes to women at the stage. | |
Global Initiative on Ageing (GIA), Spain | The Global Initiative on Ageing (GIA) was conceived by a group of civic leaders in several countries, in coordination with different institutions of the United Nations. GIA’s mission is to support the achievement of the goals set by the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing as well as the Sustainable Development Goals by improving the standard of living, participation and inclusion of the world’s ageing population. GIA’s outreach is enhanced by partners in several countries and by virtual learning and policy platforms. The great challenges include the basic opportunities: the existence of national, regional and international protection mechanisms; digitization and improvement of services; intergenerational benefits; mobility, health care, financial well-being and participation needs give room for innovation in the private and public sectors as average life expectancy has increased; and the potential of the different parties concerned from their respective functions. In this sense, the Initiative seeks to strengthen public policy knowledge, the potential and needs of this group, in addition to the importance of promoting the adoption of an International Convention as a further objective. The enjoyment of the rights of this group must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Although this issue has been on the UN agenda for several years, it deserves to be strengthened through capacity building and the exchange of experiences. | |
Graceful Ageing Fellowship (GRAF), Nigeria | ||
Grambangla Unnayan Committee. Bangladesh | Grambangla Unnayan Committee (GUC) is a national non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization in Bangladesh. GUC was established in 1993 and, in 1997, began its mission to work with poor and excluded people to eradicate poverty and injustice. GUC’s vision is a society without hunger, poverty, exploitation, and injustice in which every person enjoys their right to a life with dignity. It was registered under the Department of Social Service, Ministry of Social Welfare in 1997. It was also registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau, Prime Minister’s Office of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and is enlisted with the Department of Youth Development, Ministry of Youth and Sports. The major thematic areas of work of Grambangla Unnayan Committee are: Urban Poverty, Women and Children’s Rights, Inclusion, Older People’s Rights and Development, Informal Sector, Community Based Initiatives, Technical and Vocational Education for out of school children and youth, Advocacy, Sustainable Livelihood Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management, Tobacco Control, HIV/AIDS etc. | |
Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), India | GRAVIS is an NGO that is working in the Thar Desert of India. Thar is the most arid part of Indio and receives less than 200 mm of rain in a year. Due to consistent droughts, Thar is an extremely under-developed area and inhabitants of Thar live in great poverty. GRAVIS works in the spheres of water security, food and fodder security, healthcare and education. Overall, GRAVIS has so far worked in over 1,500 villages and has facilitated the formation of over 3,100 Community Based Organizations (CBOs). Ageing is an important area of GRAVIS work. Elderly are a vulnerable demographic in Thar and live under poverty, isolation and malnutrition. Majority of older people suffer with a dual burden of diseases – infections and non-communicable in nature. Keeping above in view, GRAVIS is organizing various activities in the Thar Desert region to empower elderly. GRAVIS’ projects for older people have focused on enhancing water and food security, developing leadership skills of elderly and providing healthcare. GRAVIS’ efforts till date have covered over 100,000 older people and we the organization has facilitated the formation of over 350 Village Older People’s Associations (VOPAs). The organization is keen to expand its work in more remote area reaching older people in need and to learn from other organizations working in the region on the issues related to ageing. GRAVIS is a part of Help Age International Global Network. | |
Grandmothers Advocacy Network, Canada | GRAN is a dynamic network of volunteers from across Canada working together to influence policy change and stimulate effective action in Canada and internationally to promote and protect the human rights of grandmothers, children and youth of sub-Saharan Africa. GRAN’s work is grounded on a firm commitment to social justice, equality and human rights. Older women and the children they support are at the centre of our advocacy. We advocate at the local, national and international level for policies and programs that will address the needs of African grandmothers as they strive to sustain their families and communities in the wake of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. We educate to raise public awareness and invite engagement and mobilization. This is done through direct messaging, media, social media, campaigns, petitions, events, presentations and more. We partner with like-minded organizations to amplify our voices and increase our impact. | |
Gray Panthers | WHO WE ARE We are the risk-takers; we are the innovators; we are the developers of new models. We are trying the future on for size. That is our role." -Maggie Kuhn, Founder MISSION Work for social and economic justice and peace for all people. VISION Create a humane society that puts the needs of people over profits, responsibility over power, and democracy over institutions. VALUES Honoring Maturity: The concept of aging takes into account an individuals growth during their entire life span, from birth to death in personal development, social involvement, and self fulfillment. Unifying the Generations: Recognition that generations are formed by different histories and cultures, but a common respect holds them together. Active Engagement: Civic participation and responsibility are fundamental to achieving goals of social and economic justice. Participatory Democracy: The Gray Panthers belongs to its members. The members define the organization's values, purpose, and the issues in which we place collective energy. | |
Grey Roots Action, USA | ||
Gründer 50plus, Germany | ||
Haitian Union on Aging and the Prevention of Elder Abuse | The Haitian Union on Aging and the Prevention of Elder Abuse (HUAPEA) is a non-governmental organization registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. The organization has the largest number of elderly people in Haiti and also elderly victims of armed and disabled gangs with brutal interventions by armed gangs during kidnappings, with more than 20 to 25 thousand elderly people among its members. The organization is solely dedicated to the elderly, elderly women, disabled elderly people of Haitian society by helping the elderly and their family members overcome the challenges of aging, by empowering active seniors and showing them the path to live with dignity during their silver years. The Haitian Union on Aging and the Prevention of Elder Abuse (HUAPEA) has played a leading role in improving elder care and the quality of life of older adults in Haiti with various projects and programs, awareness raising, projects and other interventions for the benefit of older people and their family members. | |
Halley Movement Coalition, Mauritius | ||
Happy Lives for Elderly | ||
Health Nest Uganda (HENU) | ||
HelpAge Germany | HelpAge Germany is a non-governmental development organization working to improve the living conditions of older people and their dependents in developing countries through direct programmes and advocacy and awareness activities in Germany and the European Union. HelpAge Germany is a sister organization of the HelpAge International network. It works through intergenerational programmes linking the older and younger generations. Since our foundation in 2005 we have worked to empower older people to live full lives as actively engaged citizens; helping to secure their right to comprehensive high quality services according to their changing needs. We encourage a move away from viewing older people as passive recipients of welfare to older people as rights holders and are actively working to advocate and raise awareness about the need for a new International Convention on the Rights of Older People. | |
HelpAge India | ||
HelpAge International | HelpAge International helps older people claim their rights, challenge discrimination and overcome poverty, so that they can lead dignified, secure, active and healthy lives. Our work is strengthened through our global network of like-minded organisations – the only one of its kind in the world. HelpAge International works in over 65 countries with more than 100 Affiliates and 180 other partners across all continents. HelpAge International has six regional development centres and offices in London, UK and Brussels, Belgium from which we support our work around the world. | |
HelpAge International Espana, Spain | The Foundation HelpAge International España is a non-governmental development organisation that supports older people in developing countries and is part of the global network HelpAge International. HAI España was founded in 2008 in order to raise awareness amongst the Spanish public and institutions about the needs of older people in developing countries, to influence government policy around ageing and to increase the reach of the network’s campaigns to defend the rights of older people. HAI España supports the projects implemented by HelpAge International worldwide through funding from Spanish institutional and private donors. Our work is focussed on alleviating the situation faced by older persons and their families in Humanitarian crises; supporting older caregivers who are left caring for children as a result of conflict, the AIDS epidemic or emigration; providing medical care appropriate to people’s age; guaranteeing decent work and pensions for older people; promoting the rights of older persons and actively supporting the work towards a UN Convention to protect their rights. In 2013 HAI España, together with 16 leading organizations from the Spanish civil society, founded the National Board for a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons, to intensify debate around the Convention, increase its visibility and to gather support for it. We strongly promote the image of older people as active citizens who contribute hugely to society, with the same rights and obligations as the rest of the population. | |
Helpage Italia onlus, Italy | The Association is founded on the principles and values of HelpAge International with which it shares objectives and methodologies. The Association has a democratic structure; it is not for profit and its exclusively purpose is social solidarity. It works in the social and health sectors for older people who are disadvantaged because of physical, psychological, social, financial or family circumstances. The Association promotes the autonomy, social inclusion, and physical and economic security of disadvantaged older people and fights any form of abuse against them to secure their well-being in Italy and in the world. More specifically, the Association aims to help disadvantaged older people to claim their rights and combat the growing poverty, discrimination and low status confronting older people so that they can lead a dignified, healthy and active life. The Association focuses on issues related to the third age such as: disaster risks reduction and climate change, rights, health, social protection, HIV/AIDS and works; also through actions to promote government policy changes and the research. | |
HelpAge Korea | ||
HelpAge USA | HelpAge USA, the US affiliate of HelpAge International, works with our global network of affiliates and partners to implement programs and policies that improve the lives of older people in the world's poorest communities. We ensure that older people are included in international development and have access to emergency relief, income security, health services and basic human rights. We believe that the contribution older people make to society is invaluable. Yet older people remain some of the poorest and most neglected in the world. We are committed to helping them claim their rights, challenge discrimination and overcome poverty. Our vision is of a world in which all older people can lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. We work with our partners to ensure that people everywhere understand how much older people contribute to society and that they must enjoy their right to healthcare, social services and economic and physical security. | |
Help the Aged Malawi | Help the Aged is a local - based development organization established for a cause to dedicatedly improves the lives of vulnerable Elderly People. Help the Aged is not for profit making, non – religious and not affiliated to any political groupings. Help the Aged is Legally Registered as indigenous organization with Government of Malawi under Trustees Incorporation Act (5.03). ORGANIZATION MISSION. To effectively advocate for better living conditions, social services and implementation of sustainable programs that fight poverty and intergenerational abuse. ORGANIZATION VISION To see elderly people attaining quality life free from preventable social challenges through advocacy and implementation of sustainable development programs. ORGANIZATION GOAL To ensure a sound and friendly environment for the poor helpless and destitute elderly people towards achieving promising peaceful conditions for them fostering their physical, mental, social spiritual development and well-being. | |
Hogar Accesible | HOGAR ACCESIBLE is a Spanish company based in Barcelona (Spain) that seeks to improve the quality of older people’s life by defending their rights and facilitating the habitability and usability of dwellings, buildings and the relationship of people with their immediate environment. One of our objectives is to propose tools and easy solutions that allow older people to keep enjoying their homes and their cities for longer. What do we expect to gain from GAROP? We expect to learn and share experience and knowledge about how accessibility is handled in countries that have been working on these problems for years. We also expect to find funding for projects, public and private, on which can collaborate in order to continue to increase our knowledge and improve our methods for helping people. What are our objectives? Our aim is to offer easy-work tools and solutions to ALL people which will allow them to be more autonomous at home, work or in public places while providing top quality support and services based on a client-oriented approach, environmental-friendly, cost effective way, and ethical and transparent manner. | |
Hope Human Health, Bangladesh | ||
Human Health Aid Burundi | ||
Human Rights Cell, India | HUMAN RIGHTS CELL is registered as a public charitable Trust, in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and is recognised by Government of India. HRC works for CONSUMER RIGHTS, CHILD RIGHTS, WOMEN RIGHTS, HUMAN RIGHTS and is also engaged in organising sports for youth, skill development programs for youth and under privileged women for self sustainability. Youth and Women empowerment, eradication of child labour, drug de-addiction, Right to Information Act etc.. are on our major agenda. Cultural engagement, protection of indigenous tribes and their cultural & religious patterns, empowering Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes both socially and economically, poverty alleviation and especially among those who are disadvantaged due to policies of the government are on our agenda. Right from beginning we are engaged in educating the youth. Seminars, youth engagements, rallying for rights are our constant endeavour. A special approach towards older people is adopted, by revisiting Indian tradition of respecting elderly... eco friendly Ganesh Puja, but still with high fervour, discussion on Rights of Scheduled castes, seminars on Fundmental Rights & Duties on the eve of Constitutional day on 26th. November, finally culminating to huge rally on December 10th International Human Rights Day. | |
Human Rights Watch | Human Rights Watch is a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization. Its staff consists of human rights professionals including country experts, lawyers, journalists, and academics of diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Established in 1978, Human Rights Watch is known for its accurate fact-finding, impartial reporting, effective use of media, and targeted advocacy, often in partnership with local human rights groups. Each year, Human Rights Watch presses for changes in policy and practice that promote human rights and justice around the world. | |
Humanitarian Translation for Somalia (HTS) | ||
Hungbo Community Development Project | Hungbo Community Development Project, is a Non-governmental Organization that was established in 1995. It registered with the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs and the Western Area Rural District Council. H.C.D.P focuses on the following activities for rural underdeveloped communities; Agriculture, Health, Education and Micro-Finance for the Older People. The Organization is operating in 18 chiefdoms within three (3) districts in Sierra Leone-Western Area Rural District, Tonkolili District and Port Loko Districts. The Project was being funded in 1996 to 2003 during the war by an international donor agency based in U.S.A- Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) Our Mission: -To promote programs at advancing the stage of older people for safety, security, and vulnerable older people. -To initiate prevention and educational programs. -To promote Basic Health Care and lobby and advocate for the right of the older people -Catering and disbursement of micro-finance for the youths and older people. -Provide and promote quality social services for the youths (school drop-out) and old age To seek assistance for the establishment and piloting of adult literacy programs in the most remote villages. -To provide emergency relief. | |
Husambae Community Based Organization | Husambae Community Based Organization is a registered Community Based Organization with a mission to mitigate in the suffering of orphaned children, care and protect them. It was started in the year 2007 with main aim of working with and for children and the marginalized communities in Kenya. The project is located in Kisumu county, Nyanza province within remote areas. Husambae Community Based Organization works closely with the underprivileged and the socially disadvantaged people in rural communities to impact social and self-esteem to improve their social and economic status. It was initially formed by a group of concerned residents who were affected with H.I.V/AIDS. VISION Our Vision is to socially and economically empower HIV/AIDS orphans by providing an environment that guarantees development of the children to their fullest potential. MISSION To show mercy, restore hope and give vulnerable children a second chance in life. GOALS OF THE PROJECT To improve the health conditions of orphans and vulnerable children by providing them with, shelter, clothing, food and improve the educational achievements and health status. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. To improve orphans, vulnerable children, and their caretakers with nutritious foods in order to eradicate malnutrition. 2. To improve shelter for the orphans. 3. To increase knowledge of hygiene and sanitation within the orphans home by improving facilities and promote greater community co-operation. 4. To improve the health of children by providing adequate medicines and have them immunized. 5. To expand food production by extensive farming techniques to feed the children and generate more income. | |
Ibasho, USA | Ibasho partners with local organizations and communities to design and create socially integrated and sustainable communities that value their elders. We create a place where elders find the opportunities to contribute to their community members of all ages. Ibasho recognizes elders as assets and resources for their communities and builds programs with and around them that keep them engaged in society, improving their lives and ensuring that their communities can benefit from their experience. Our approach is to empower and include elders throughout the development and operation of an elder-led community, which then installs elders in leadership roles as they care for community members of all ages. We do this through training by and for elders, based on research on existing projects. | |
Independent Age, UK | Independent Age provides regular contact, a strong campaigning voice, and free impartial advice on the issues that matter to older people: care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility. We offer a broad range of quality information, expert one-to-one advice and regular contact to vulnerable and lonely older people through our friendship services. We give free, independent and confidential advice over the telephone for older people, their families and carers on issues such as getting help at home, residential care, staying in touch with other people and welfare benefits. We also produce a range of free printed and online information resources. We use the knowledge and insight gained from our frontline services to challenge poor care and campaign for a fair deal for older people – a reasonable standard of living, fair access to information and an opportunity to contribute to their communities. A charity founded over 150 years ago, we are independent so older people can be too. | |
Insaf Social Welfare Association (ISWA), Pakistan | ||
Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pesca y Mineria (IPEMIN), Peru | ||
Integrated Change Agent (ICA), Burundi | INTEGRATED CHANGE AGENT (ICA) is a local organization, registered as a non-profit association. The organization is approved by Ministerial Order number 530/378 of 14/4/2022. INTEGRATED CHANGE AGENT, (ICA), BURUNDI which its mission is to promote the rights of the older people, to lead dignified, healthy and secure lives and people with disabilities in Burundi. | |
International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC) | ||
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics | The mission of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics is to promote the highest levels of achievement in gerontological research and training worldwide, and to interact with other international, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations in the promotion of gerontological interests globally and on behalf of its member associations. The Association pursues these activities with a view of enhancing the highest quality of life and well being of all people as they experience ageing at individual and societal levels. | |
International Association of World Peace Advocates, Nigeria | ||
International Commission of Human Rights in Mali | ||
International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), Serbia | ||
International Federation of Associations of Older Persons (FIAPA) | The FIAPA was created on 26 September 1980 in Paris. It was born from the determination of about sixty associations spread over four countries (France, Italy, Belgium and Spain) to defend elder rights and interests within our contemporary society. The federation is particularly committed to defending and promoting the human rights of older persons. The FIAPA is invested in a constant struggle against various forms of age discrimination in everyday life. The FIAPA is an International Non-Governmental Organization enjoying consultative status, the highest status offered by UNO. The WHO also recognizes the FIAPA as an International Organization representing the interests of elderly people. Enjoying participative status with the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), the FIAPA is represented at the conference of INGOs. In this sense, it has served as member of several commissions within the Council of Europe such as the Commission on « Human Rights », the Commission « Democracy, Social Cohesion and World Challenges » and the Commission for « Education and Culture ». The FIAPA works in close collaboration with UNESCO in culture and education sectors as well as in medical and social programs. | |
International Federation of Social Workers | ||
International Federation on Ageing | The International Federation on Ageing is an international non-governmental organization with a membership base comprising government, NGOs, academics, industry, and individuals in 70 countries. The IFA began operations in 1973, at a time when the social and economic impact of population ageing was only beginning to be understood by governments around the world. The IFA has general consultative status at the United Nations and its agencies, and is in formal relations with the World Health Organization. The IFA has been involved in drafting key initiatives such as the UN Principles for Older Persons, actively advocating for older people to be recognized in the Sustainable Development Goals, and maintaining a strong voice in the dialogue on how to best protect the rights of older people globally. Vision: A world of healthy older people whose rights and choices are both protected and respected. Goal: To be the global point of connection and networks of experts and expertise to influence and shape age-related policy. Mission: - Mobilize and harness the energy and expertise of members around the world - Create new and strengthen current connections and networks - Work in collaboration and partnership with and across all sectors and disciplines - Renew and reinvigorate our constituency [with attention to penetration, income generation, and brand] - Influence age-related policies that improve the lives of older people | |
International Foundation for the Aged, Nigeria | ||
International Longevity Centre - Global Alliance | ||
International Longevity Centre, Argentina | ||
International Longevity Centre, Brazil | ||
International Longevity Centre, Canada | ||
International Longevity Centre, Dominican Republic | ||
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse | The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) is an international nongovernmental organization which was founded in 1997 and has consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Acknowledging the diversity of culture, background, and life style of the world population, INPEA aims to increase society’s ability, through international collaboration, to recognize and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation. INPEA’s objectives are to increase public awareness and knowledge of the issue, to promote education and training of professionals and paraprofessionals in identification, treatment and prevention, to further advocacy on behalf of abused and neglected elders, and to stimulate research into the causes, consequences, prevalence and treatment. Of critical concern to INPEA is the issue of violence against older women. INPEA has Regional Representatives in all UN Regions, as well as numerous National Representatives. INPEA engages Member States of the United Nations at various Commission Meetings, such as the Commission for the Status of Women and at the Human Rights Council. INPEA launched the First World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on 15 June 2006. In December 2011, the United Nations officially designated WEAAD on 15 June as a United Nations International Day of Commemoration. | |
International Peace Marshall, Nigeria | ||
International Psychogeriatric Association, USA | IPA... Better mental health for older people. For more than 30 years, the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) has been a leader in the field of older adult mental health. The diverse disciplines, interests, and geographic communities within IPA symbolize the full spectrum of mental health. Through our educational activities, scientific meetings, and cutting-edge publications, IPA promotes better mental health for older people all around the world. What is IPA? • IPA is a diverse mental health care team. IPA members include physicians (psychiatrists, neurologists, geriatricians, primary care, etc.), nurses, social workers, therapists, psychologists, scientists, epidemiologists, and many others. • IPA is a worldwide community of professionals. With members in over 50 countries and meetings all over the world, IPA gathers together leaders from different backgrounds to share their perspectives, form policy, and learn from one another. • IPA is helping older people with all mental health issues. Whether this means enjoying healthy ageing or coping with illness, IPA is focused on the full spectrum of older adult mental health. IPA represents a commitment to serving the broad spectrum of issues, perspectives, opportunities and challenges of older adult mental health around the world. | |
Internet de las Personas emancipaTIC, Spain | The association "Internet de las Personas emancipaTIC", is established in order to promote and promote access to new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the elderly, dependent and / or with disability facilitating knowledge about its use and management and promoting the approach of these groups to the available services of the information society, fighting the so-called “digital divide”. We promote the service of Free Legal Consultations that facilitate Free Access to Justice, freely accessible, but mainly oriented to satisfy the needs and defense of the Rights of Older Persons. We are members of the Spanish Confederation of Senior Organizations, ( and participate in the Lidea Forum ( Internet of People. EmancipaTIC, we actively collaborate to establish alliances and convenient collaborations with government, foundations, associations, companies, groups and individuals to comply with the associative purposes and particularly actively cooperate with organizations and social institutions interested in the progress of innovation and transformation needed to improve the lives of older people. | |
IvoryCares Medical Concierge, Nigeria | ||
Joint Medical Lifesavers Foundation, Nigeria | ||
Josef und Luise Kraft Stiftung, Germany | ||
Joseph Loundy Human Rights Project | In 2008, with gift from alumnus Joseph Loundy, Roosevelt University established the Joseph Loundy Human Rights Project, a program unique in the US, in which students conduct comparative research on the promotion of human rights in the US and abroad. They then use that research to generate advocacy strategies for promoting human rights and social justice in Chicago. Students engage in a series of seminars and field experiences with national and local leaders in the year's designated advocacy area. The seminar series is also open to the public and the larger Roosevelt Community. The students then travel abroad for analogous field experiences with human rights and social justice advocates and scholars in another country. The students use this comparative experience to analyze what has worked where, and why, and thus to predict the most likely effective solutions locally. Summer internships allow students to work on implementing their proposals. | |
Just Fair, UK | Our vision is for a fairer and more just society for all. Our mission is to lead and inspire work to protect economic, social, and cultural rights in the UK. We believe everyone deserves to live well and flourish, with our human rights respected, protected, and fulfilled. Protecting economic, social, and cultural rights is essential in creating a fairer and more just society, and that is why we champion these rights. | |
Kainat Care Foundation, Pakistan | Our Mission: To create awareness, develops, demonstrates and disseminates in Pakistan innovative programs to eliminate poverty, disease and ignorance by providing information and resources to empower the poorest families, indigenous groups and marginalized communities to become self-reliant. Aims and objectives: - Providing basic health facilities (especially mother care) to the deprived rural community who belong to extremely low income groups and unskilled working class. - Enhancing education facilities in rural areas with the objective to produce skilled labor and improve literacy rate. Promote human rights awareness in the illiterate masses in order to sensitize them to the seriousness of the issue and remind them of their long-forgotten basic rights. - Support women development in the rural areas and discourage gender discrimination through concentrated efforts of public awareness. - Aware people about fatal disease (HIV/AIDS, Polio, Hepatitis, etc) arranging seminars & training workshops. - We provide high quality, contextualized and practical support to civil society through consultancy, training, research and learning. We also offer capacity development programs combining a range of methods and approaches. | |
Kanjirapally Senior Citizens Forum, India | ||
KARIKA | KARIKA (Kenyan Aged people Require Information, Knowledge & Advancement) is a registered Community Based Organisation, under the Ministry of Culture and Social Services in the year 2003, located in Dagoretti South Riruta, Nairobi. Our Vision is a community where older persons enjoy their life and dignity. Our Mission is to inform, educate and promote policies and practice to improve the quality of life of older persons. Our belief is that the aged gave us life – it is our time to give them the quality of life they deserve. Our five main objectives are: • Creating awareness in the community. • Advocacy on livelihood and social protection for both older people. • Empowering the older persons in terms of information and age friendly income generating activities providing basic needs in their households. • Resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation. • Networking and collaborations. | |
Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum | ||
Kothowain (Vulnerable People's Development Organisation), Bangladesh | The KOTHOWAIN organization (Vulnerable People’s Development Organization) established in 2003 by some social development activist in response to the issues of extreme poverty, low literacy rate, social and political conflict, eroding cultural identity, environment, and high incidence of human rights violations among the indigenous peoples and marginalized communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. The organization aims to develop the socio-economic conditions of the most vulnerable and underprivileged people in the Hill Tracts. Through the years, KOTHOWAIN has strived to build the capacities of the communities to manage and implement projects in a sustainable manner, have a voice in decision making, and dignity as a people. This has been achieved in partnership with local, national, and international agencies as well as government institutions. | |
La Vie Foundation, Kenya | La Vie Foundation (LVF) was founded in 2003 and registered in 2005 as a Non-Profit Company operating in the Republic of Kenya, caring for Older Persons. Programmes: 1. Protection – Ensuring physical, psychological, emotional and socio-economic well-being. 2. Advocacy – Raising consciousness on rights and responsibilities, and demanding action and accountability from duty bearers. 3. Information Dissemination – Targeted distribution of knowledge down to the lowest cadre. 4. Feeding – Seeking, gathering, preparing and distributing ready to eat and raw foodstuffs. 5. Health Care - Promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, amelioration, or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. 6. Home Based Care - For each client in terms of their level of need. 7. Shelter Improvement & Development – Improving conditions of existing shelters and developing new safe shelters. 8. Relocation – Varied reasons, such as decline of physical and cognitive functions and loneliness raise need for relocation, for better care. 9. Entrepreneurship – Extending working lives, including through agriculture. LVF increases awareness on business creation and self-employment, and provide training to fill knowledge and skill gaps. 10. Older Persons Rescue Homes - LVF has the long time plan of establishing rescue homes in different parts of Kenya for Older Persons at risk. | |
Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization, Sri Lanka | ||
Lar dos Velhinhos de Zulma, Brazil | ||
Law in the Service of the Elderly, Israel | ||
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia | LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people. We recognise that people’s genders, bodies, relationships and sexualities affect their health and wellbeing in every domain of their life. Our Vision: Healthy lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities throughout Australia and the world, free from stigma and discrimination. Historically, LGBTI people have a shared experience of discrimination and prejudice. Many LGBTI elders have experienced violence, isolation, and stigma throughout their lives. These elders often do not or cannot disclose their identities or histories to services and can remain invisible in the aged care sector and broader community. The Silver Rainbow project is designed to improve the experiences of LGBTI people as they age and enter the Australian aged care system. Australia was the first country to have a National LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care Strategy. Combined with other legal reforms, this has resulted in the ageing and aged care sector being increasingly focused on inclusive practice, but more work is needed to meet the health and wellbeing needs of LGBTI elders. Through this project, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia educates service providers, policy makers, LGBTI people and the general community about how to meet the needs of LGBTI elders. We also connect LGBTI elders to services and resources. Together we are working to ensure aged care services are inclusive of the diverse genders, bodies, sexualities and relationships of older Australians. | |
Liberian Association of Retired Persons (LARP) | The Liberian Association of Retired Persons was founded during the height of the Liberian civil war,1990 -2003. The purpose was to take care of the elder population who were victimized as a result of the fighting. Since then, The Association has been striving to survive despite numerous challenge. Our activities have been to seek relief assistance and to advocate for a better aging life in line with international standards. However, we have been faced with serious financial crises after the war to the point that we are unable to pay our membership dues and to effectively operate. Our main international partner has been the International Federation on Aging(IFA). we have been carrying out several works in the field of aging ,such as the global survey on aging in 2000. we were invited and financed by the Danish Government to participate in the 8th Global Conference in Copenhagen ,2006. From our advocacy the Government of Liberia considered opening a department on Aging in its ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Very sad to say, but the fact remains that about 90 per cent of the elderly in Liberia and many parts of Sub Saharan Africa are very poor and live on $1.00 a day or on begging. | |
Liberians United to Expose Hidden Weapons (LUEHW) | Liberians United to Expose Hidden Weapons (LUEHW) is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization established in Liberia in January 2003, Incorporated in May 2004 and certificated 2005 and 2010 respectively. LUEHW is duly registered and accredited with the Government of Liberia. LUEHW works to promote peace, security and sustainable development. The key objectives of LUEHW are: - To expose and collect hidden/ illicit weapons and small arms in Liberia and the West Africa sub-region, and to curtail their proliferation and misuse - To sensitize and educate the various publics about the dangers and effects of weapons and small arms - To collaborate and liaise with relevant national and international organizations and individuals to address the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons and other related issues - To promote the work of the United Nations, especially in the areas of peace, security and sustainable development (including the Millennium Development Goals) - To create and conduct advocacy and awareness on issues of national concerns through the following: Palaver Hall, Town Hall and Consultative Meetings, Interactive Forums, Radio Talks Show, Dramas, Posters, Flyers, etc. | |
Life Planning Network, USA | ||
Little Steps Charity Foundation, Uganda | ||
Living Alternatives for the Ageing (LAFTA) Cameroon | ||
Lokshakti Seva Samiti, India | ||
Long Term Care Community Coalition, USA | ||
Lutheran Services, Australia | ||
Magu Poverty Focus on Older People Rehabilitation Centre (MAPERECE), Tanzania | ||
Malema Foundation Tanzania | ||
Mauritius Family Planning Welfare Association | ||
MBUENET, Mbulu Education NGO Network, Tanzania | We work for the Indigenous peoples and the most marginalized communities in our area. We envision their livelihood and think education will make a change to their lives. We are thinking to improve the quality and effectiveness of their educational and social development programs for girls; as well as developing and testing strategies to engage parents, community leaders, schools, and government officials to support, promote and advocate for girls' education. We also contributing to the development of relevant educational and social policy that is informed and shaped by the needs and realities of girls themselves. We would also maintain their elderly knowledge in the school curriculums. | |
MBUNGONET, Tanzania | ||
Meals on Wheels, South Africa | Meals on Wheels Community Services South Africa (MOWCS SA) is a fully fledged and recognised non-profit organization that believes that hunger is the extreme materialization of poverty and human deprivation. MOWCS SA is currently operating from six Area Offices, serving the Nine Provinces of South Africa through 210 community Kitchens. The prepared meals are delivered with our fleet of 280 Meals on Wheels delivery vehicles. We have been operational for 55 years and currently we serve 29 million meals per annum. Our aim is to serve the basic needs of the poorest of the poor, the vulnerable, the disabled and the elderly in society. Even though our core business is taking care of the elderly, we have had to open our scope to children due to the extremely high degree of poverty in South Africa. Mission: Transforming lives through charity in motion Vision: A hunger-free South Africa | |
Mendoza Gerontological Foundation, Argentina | ||
Mesa Estatal por una Convención de Naciones Unidas para los derechos de las personas mayores, Spain | ||
Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing (MEAMA) | BACKGROUND AND ORIGIN A serious disparity exists between the growing ageing population and the number of health care providers being trained to meet the unique health care needs of older adults. This problem is both in developed and developing world. The key to alleviating the shortage, according to researchers, is for medical schools to lead the change in giving geriatric medicine the attention it deserves, cultivating programs where there are none, improving existing ones. There is a major deficiency in the number of physicians trained in geriatrics, in addition to limited paramedical personal trained in the field. The Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing was founded in 2002 to stimulate the development of health care services for older people in the region. It was established by a number of professors and teachers from the Middle East and Europe. The Model of MEAMA was taken from the European Academy for Medicine of Ageing (EAMA). The mission of MEAMA is to create a hub for education and training in the field of ageing in the Middle East. Abyad Medical Center and Middle East Longevity Institute were instrumental in organizing the first course of the MEAMA. Over the previous years, several reputable official governmental, regional and international organisations helped in the development of the academy including The Health Ministers' Council for the Cooperation Council States, Ministry of Health in Bahrain, The European Academy for Medicine of Ageing, The European Union of Geriatric Medicine Society, the Geriatric Medicine Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists, the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, medi+WORLD International, Multimedia Medical University, Al Jinan University, Azm & Saade Association, Hamad Medical Coporation, National Guard National Guard Health Affairs -King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and others. | |
Miloserdie | Our organization was established in 1989. The main goal was to represent and assist the disabled community of the region. Since then on, all our activities have been focused on that. Our membership counts 560 disabled adults, including 74 children. There are various disabilities represented in our group. The legal representative of the organization is the chairman of the Board. The Board holds the chairman responsible.The organization offers various kinds of assistance. We do a lot in providing the needy members with the humanitarian aid such as food and clothes. Actually, all our members are eligible for such an offer. Due to various disabilities our organization deals with, we provide the disabled with various special equipment, such as crutches, wheel chairs, walking sticks, pampers, urine receivers, pampers and etc. Perhaps, one of the important things we do is offering the disabled an orthopedic service. Any person not necessary our member can be examined and consulted for free. As a part of our services the amputees can order artificial limbs, we have a good contact with one company that specializes in making prosthesis’s. We do a lot in the area of training and education. We have got an experience in teaching a computer and language courses. Up to now we had Estonian language courses only, but our great desire is to organize English language courses. In our work we put an accent upon cultural and sport life of the disabled. We do a lot in organizing the cultural presentations where the disabled participate or we invite famous people. Through a year we held lots of sport contests. Our organization is active in various kinds of sports such as, swimming, wheel chair racing, arm wrestling etc. We don’t only initiate sport contests, but we also take an active part in contests all over Estonia and abroad. | |
Mission Armenia NGO | Mission Armenia is an Armenia-based NGO and operates countrywide. It was created in 1988 with a group of volunteers and registered in 1993 shortly after the introduction of the NGO sector in Armenia. The mission of the organization is: To protect fundamental human rights and to advocate for the interests of disadvantaged local and refugee elderly persons, women, young people, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups achieving improvements in the quality of their lives. Over these years, Mission Armenia has supported up to 18,000 local and refugee vulnerable people of different age and gender groups. Since its inception, tens of short-term and long-term projects have been implemented by Mission Armenia. Main fields of charity work of Mission Armenia are: Community-based social, legal and health services, education/vocational support, economic empowerment initiatives for local and refugee vulnerable adults, young people and children. For the provision of services/assistance Mission Armenia has established and been operating about 30 community-based social infrastructures that Mission Armenia has set up throughout Armenia. These are day care centers, training resource centers, soup kitchens, social houses for temporary accommodation of the elderly and refugees, etc. Since its inception, Mission Armenia has successful track record in the engagement of: - aging, poverty reduction, refugee assistance; - community-based services; - social partnership; - local and regional civil society empowerment initiatives. | |
Mission to Elderlies Foundation, Nigeria | ||
Modern Thinkers Foundation, Ghana | Modern Thinkers Foundation is a Community Based Organisation in Ghana registered with the Registrar General’s Department, Non-Profit Organisation Secretariat of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and Asante Akim North Municipal Assembly. The organisation started around 2018 working as a small group providing counselling and financial assistance to the vulnerable population including older persons and school dropouts. It was therefore registered officially in 2021. The activities of the organisation include: advocating for the rights of the older persons and provision of social and environmental services to humanity. The organisation gave recognition to the UN International Day for Older Persons by celebrating this day with about 100 older persons on October 1, 2021. The organisation will continue to host such international programmes and advocate strongly for the rights of older persons in Ghana. It is also in our plans to liaise with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection to review or appraise the National Ageing Policy of Ghana and provide a more robust policy that considers the plight of older persons. In promoting healthy ageing, the organisation will continue to collaborate with the Ghana Health Service and address the challenges of older persons in accessing healthcare. | |
Morogoro Saving the Poor Organization (MOSAPORG), Tanzania | Morogoro Saving the Poor Organization (MOSAPORG) is a national NGO focus on Supporting the vulnerable groups of Children,elders,women and people with disabilities as welll focus on System Strengthening in supporting these vulnerable groups. | |
Mothers and Children Development Aid - South Sudan | ||
Mtandao Wa Malezi Na Maendeleo Ya Moto Manyara Tanzania | ||
Multipurpose Activities for Sustainable Social Change (MASS Trust), India | MASS Trust is working towards the Community Based Care & Support of Aged People in the rural villages and hamlets. MASS Trust reaches the unreached aged ones who are left uncared. From our filed experiences, we came to know that the aged people are in need of persons to listen to them when they speak and express their opinions. This is what we do in the target villages with the aged ones. We are very proud to say that they even shed tears since they have some one in their reach to listen to them without any interruption. Therefore we feel that we are blessed to serve the aged people in need. In addition we also helping the children infected/affected by HIV/AIDS. We are in reach of more than 150 such children in the rural pockets in addition to reaching the aged people in need. | |
Nabroho Society for the Aged, Tanzania | NABROHO is a registered non-governmental, non-religious, non-partisan and not for profit making organization (NGO). The organization is registered by the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, elderly and Children in Tanzania Mainland. Focus areas: Voice & Inclusion of older people and People with Disabilities, Rights and entitlements of older People and People with Disabilities, Health of older people and People with Disabilities, Incomes and Food Security of older People and People with Disabilities, Organization development, Visibility and Networking | |
Naigwe Heritage Elderly Home, Uganda | ||
Nalantha Educational Trust, India | ||
Naro Aged Care Foundation, Ghana | ||
National Association of Federal Retirees, Canada | ||
National Forum for Advocacy Nepal (NAFAN) | ||
National Old Folks of Liberia (NOFOL) | The National Old Folks of Liberia (NOFOL), a humanitarian organisation, non-profit, non-governmental, non-political was organised and established on 5 December 2011 and incorporated on 1 June 2012 by the Government of Liberia. In addition to the above, on July 1, 2012 the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs also granted NOFOL a certification of accreditation as a non-governmental organisation and on 14 September 2012 it was awarded duty free tax clearance certificate. Finally on 13 December 2012, a memorandum was received from the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare Davison of Ageing-reemphasising its aims and objectives to protect, promote and work along with key government ministries, NGOs, INGOs, faith-based organisations, families and local traditional leadership at the national, county, district & community levels to cater to the welfare of destitute old people of Liberia. NOFOL has received Special Consultative Status with UN-ECOSOC. | |
National Older Women's Network, Australia | The National Older Women’s Network (NOWN) or Older Women’s Network Australia as it is still called was incorporated as a National body in 1993, The aims and objectives or the organisation are: Aim The National Older Women's Network is committed to build strengthen and promote the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women. Objectives The objectives of NOWN are to: a) promote the establishment of Older Women's Networks in all states and territories. b) promote appropriate policies and lobby for legislative and other reforms on issues affecting the quality of life of all older women and work for equity for all older women. c) help achieve for older women a presence and voice on all decision making, advisory or consultative bodies whenever matters affecting older women's lives are being debated. d) recognise and utilize existing skills of older women, and assist older women to develop specific skills in networking, technology, research, advocacy, and lobbying. e) address issues of discrimination against older women, and initiate/promote discussion and action about ageism, sexism, feminism, and racism. f) provide a forum for older women who suffer disadvantage. g) enhance a positive image of older women. h) achieve recognition of the work/contribution of older women to society. i) promote the right of older women to continue to participate in the workforce. j) provide enrichment, mutual support and companionship/friendship amongst older women. k) provide and disseminate information for and about older women. l) celebrate age and ageing. | |
National Pensioners Federation, Canada | ||
National Senior Citizen Federation (NASCIF), Nepal | ||
National Senior Citizens Organization of Liberia | The National Senior Citizens Organization of Liberia (NASCOL) was founded on February 22nd, 2006 in the City of Kakata, Margibi County Republic of Liberia. NASCOL’S national nature is a Liberian-based non-governmental private-voluntary, non-political humanitarian organization, purposely founded in order to seek the socio-economic welfare or well-being of the nation’s neglected, marginalized, discriminated, disadvantaged, poverty stricken and most vulnerable voiceless old-folks or senior citizen community of the Liberian society after the end of our civil conflict. She is legally registered with the Government of Liberia in 2006. VISION The national vision of NASCOL is to restore the national lost or dignity of the aging community and to live freely from discrimination. MISSION The national mission of NASCOL is to seek the social and economic welfare of our voiceless senior citizens community through advocacy. CODE VALUE Serving humanity with national passion, and also respect the right of all persons regardless of age, race, disability, religion, language and etc. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The national aims and objectives of NASCOL are as follows: a. Shelter for the ageing community of the Liberia b. National free health care program for the ageing community of Liberia c. Ageing agriculture program d. Ageing educational program e. NASCOL will solicit funds for ageing project(s) implementation in the country f. To collaborate with other international ageing organizations of the same nature. g. To attend international conferences global-wide h. To advocate for the ageing community of the Liberian society i. To advocate for free medical or health-care from the global-wide j. To advocate for their pension benefit from the Government and NASSCORP. k. To teach them arts and crafts skill training. l. To solicit for relief applies in general such as food, clothing, footwear, medicine etc. | |
National Seniors Australia | ||
Near North Palliative Care Network, Canada | Near North Palliative Care Network (located in West Nipissing and East Parry Sound) is a charitable organization that has supported the Community Volunteer Visiting Hospice of Nipissing/Parry Sound Districts since 1995. NNPCN offers our main services free of charge, these include: Palliative Care Hospice, Caregiver Respite, Grief Support, Education and Training for Quality Ageing and End of Life. NNPCN has 10+ working Board Directors, 5+ staff, 10+ Key Volunteer Leads, 50+ placements/year, 50+ key team players/year, 100+ trainees/volunteers in several locations. We average 2,500 clients/year. | |
Nehelp Cameroon | ||
Nelson Village Organization, South Africa | ||
Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN) | Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN) is an association of individuals and institutions whose goal is to promote participatory development and peoples' empowerment in Nepal. Founded in 1995 by a group of PRA development practitioners with the support of the internationally-recognized development scholar, Dr. Robert Chambers, NEPAN has used advocacy, extension services, publications and capacity building trainings to establish itself as a resource center for promoting participatory approaches in development interventions. NEPAN has conducted methodological research and grassroots projects with the goal of increasing the participation of marginalized communities in Nepal’s development, specifically with senior citizens, women, children and people with disabilities. NEPAN continues developing strong relations with several government ministries, international NGOs and national organizations to advance inclusive participation in Nepal. NEPAN has been involved in numerous research projects over 20 years, launching awareness and advocacy efforts, regular publications and research tools, as well as engaging in the field work in various marginalized communities in Nepal. NEPAN's work is governed by the General Council (GC), composed of individual and institutional members with or without voting rights. NEPAN has a Secretariat, responsible for executing the decisions of EC. There is provision for the formation of working committee, which may consist of any number of professionals on a permanent or temporary basis as and when needed. NEPAN has its secretariat with 4 core staffs and 4 project staffs to implement NEPAN's day to day activities and committees' decisions. NEPAN has its own three-storied building with sufficient spaces, including an official training hall for workshops, trainings, meetings and other activities. | |
New Life Africa Organization, Tanzania | ||
New World Hope Organization | New World Hope is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious & non-governmental organization, established in 1996. New World Hope Organization (NWHO) was registered in 2005, as an NGO with the Government of Pakistan under Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860 (Registration No. RJSC/DISTT RWP/40). The Organization [NWHO] is engaged in humanitarian, environment and participatory development and sustainability here at home and abroad. Whether responding to disasters and emergencies, promoting sustainable economic and social development, strengthening the well-being of people specially Women, Children, Senior Citizens, providing training, or building infrastructure, we at NWHO remain focused on our philosophy of: “Improvement of the quality of life for all peoples, strengthening people for disasters and emergencies, participatory involvement regardless of race, religion or gender, creed or nationality, and the preservation of Earth, and environmental development. | |
NGO Committee on Ageing - Geneva | ||
NGO Committee on Ageing - New York | ||
Nietos Itinerantes, Peru | Nietos Itinerantes, is a Peruvian non-profit organization that since December 2006 work for promotion and protection of the rights of the elderly. The specific problem that our intervention addresses is the assessment negative of old age and its little identification as a natural and permanent of our life. This problem is important because it has direct effects on: the normalization of practices of violence, the ageism, the underestimation of the role and contributions of older adults in all levels, the social validation of this undervaluation, its self-esteem and the restriction of their rights. In this sense, the main purpose of our intervention is to achieve the positive assessment of the elderly and the development of actions that contribute to the promotion and protection of their rights. To do this, we carry out: accompaniment of elderly people in residence and outside of it, talks and specialized free legal clinics for elderly people and awareness and advocacy campaigns. | |
Niimar Iraghw Cultural Education Initiative (NIG), Tanzania | ||
Noah's Ark, India | ||
NoboJatra Foundation | NoboJatra is a Bangla word meaning “starting new journey” and “Foundation” means an underlying basis or principle of something. In one word NoboJatra Foundation means to establish and to provide a basic layer of building blocks to the people particularly women, children and seniors so that they can start their new journey by overcoming all their social, physical and mental health barriers. The Major objective of this organization is to educate, aware and enlightened women, children and seniors who are experiencing mental health and ageing challenges due to domestic violence and abuse. In Bangladesh, About 87 per cent of Bangladeshi married women are abused by their husband (VAW survey, 2011). Empirical evidence shows that people especially women and elderly who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse can have serious physical and mental health challenges. Children who are witnessing of violence and abuses are impacted seriously on their mental development, physical growth as well as social wellbeing. | |
NSINDAGIZA organization | Context: More than twenty years has passed since the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Survivors and others who were separated from their family members are living today older but without necessary services to enable them live independently and in good health. Meaning of the term “NSINDAGIZA”: This concept is used when a weaker pilgrim is asking the strongest to support him/her by taking his/her hand and together they make easier the task/journey. Vision: Increased rights respect, wellbeing and care for the most vulnerable older women and men Mission: To provide support and care to the most vulnerable older persons in order to increase the respect of their rights, wellbeing and aspirations. Values: Passion for the elderly, compassion, human dignity, generosity, humility, hope for the future, networking. Networking: NSINDAGIZA is member of the International Federation of Older People (FIAPA), it is working in partnership with local authorities, youth groups, women’s network, church leaders and opinion leaders. “Their specific needs require specific strategies and specific actions” | |
Nyampulukano Elderly Union, Tanzania | ||
Off The Hook Foundation for Rural Dwellers, Nigeria | ||
Ojochenemi Michael Foundation, Nigeria | ||
Old Generation Rejuvenation Ashram (OGRA) | OGRA (Old Generation Rejuvenation Ashram) is a registered charitable trust managed by a team of senior citizens, working for rejuvenation of senior citizens by actively engaging them in activities of their choice which also improve the society around. Our goal is to bring this “old” section of society back into the humdrum of life in a meaningful way that improves us all as a community. Let the old people also live a purposeful life with honour and dignity. | |
Oldalone, UK | Loneliness is the worst scenario we could face at any stage of our lives. Unfortunately, as we get older, the prospect of becoming isolated and lonely increases. According to “The Future of Loneliness” report; there is “Over one million older people in the United Kingdom often lonely.” Loneliness tarnishes the lives of older people with depression, potentially exposing their sufferers to depression-related ailments. In the face of such statistics, Oldalone UK has stepped in to help fight loneliness by providing older people with companionship and leisure. Our aim is to help alleviate the loneliness affecting our seniors and to make sure that their rights to be treated with dignity and respect, prevails. Currently, we are working on supporting beneficiaries from the most disadvantages backgrounds such as those belonging to small ethnic groups, asylum seekers, refugees, prisoners, etc. as well as visiting care homes, hospitals and hospices where a significant number of elderly people affected by loneliness reside. Oldalone UK is working tirelessly to achieve its purpose under the banner of its values: Integrity, Kindness and Empathy in the hope to achieve more inclusive, ever growing age-friendly communities. | |
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN), Australia | The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is a national network comprised of nine state and territory organisations that have been successfully delivering advocacy, information and education services to older people in metropolitan, regional, rural and remote Australia for over 25 years. OPAN’s free services support older people and their representatives to address issues related to Commonwealth funded aged care services. Older Persons Advocacy Network is funded by the Australian Government to deliver the National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP). OPAN provides a national voice for aged care advocacy and promotes excellence and national consistency in the delivery of advocacy services under the Program. OPAN is always on the side of the older person we are supporting. OPAN is an independent body with no membership beyond the nine service delivery organisations. This independence is a key strength both for individual advocacy and for our systemic advocacy. | |
Older Women's Network, Europe (OWN Europe) | ||
Organization for the Promotion of Elder Support in Nigeria | ||
Organization for the Promotion of Elderly Support in Liberia (OPESL) | ||
Pahel Pakistan | PAHEL is a Non-Government and Non-Profit Organization, founded in February 2006by activists and other likemindedleaders. PAHEL was registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860on August 31, 2009. The group believed in a Chinese proverb that “A journey of thousand miles must begin with first step” Hence an initiative for social development in the society was taken by the group and founded an association called PAHEL (PAHEL is an Urdu word that means an initiative). PAHEL firmly believes in the establishment and development of institutions. That’s why PAHEL will be striving to establish and strengthen more institutions through institutional approach. The organization was formed to bridge the gap between Right holders and Duties bearers/service providers through social development initiatives, advocacy and lobbying on the issues of common people. PAHEL, strives to promote a culture and environment, where people can enjoy their fundamental rights without a hitch. PAHEL believes that the Resilient Society cannot be possible, until all groups contribute their capacities to the societal exertion. The troubles of socially ignored segments of society like Women, Children, Transgender, Religious minorities, differently able and rural youth, are highly in focus. PAHEL Pakistan visualize their invisible vulnerabilities and take these all groups onboard to reduce the risk to their lives and livelihood, and to make realization of their importance for the holistic development in society. PAHEL has emerged as a leading humanitarian and human development organization in Sindh and is committed to bring a wider level social change through utilization of existing social capital; transformation of active participants and change makers from passive and marginalized groups through education, sensitization, social mobilization, capacity building, establishing social safety nets and advocacy. | |
Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organisation (PRWSWO) | Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization (PRWSWO), a non-profit making non-governmental organization founded in 1997 by a group of community workers interested in the improvement of the standard of life of the disadvantage sections of the society through a variety of socio economic services by adopting multi-disciplinary approaches. PRWSWO mission is to enable vulnerable and marginalized groups particularly women, children and older people, to live with honor and dignity without social, economic and political discrimination through their active engagement in development process. PRWSWO goal is to strive for existence of a balanced and peaceful society having protection & promotion of basic human rights, dignity, honor, self respect, harmony, inter faith and social justice for all regardless of caste, color, race , age, creed, gender, social status, religion & language etc. PRWSWO is having accredited Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC and have been implemented number of projects for vulnerable groups of communities so far. PRWSWO is currently engaged in advocacy campaign for the rights of the Older People and their family members. | |
Participatory Human Rights Advancement Society | Democracy or free and fair elections alone are not enough to protect the rights of the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. The need for an independent and objective human rights organization in safeguarding basic human rights of the people of Bangladesh is strongly felt. In 2006, a group of human rights activists initiated discussions and underscored the need to uphold the social, cultural and economic rights of the people of Bangladesh. Eventually, a decision was arrived at to form an organization and established in order to advance such rights. In October 2008 PHRAS has gets its legal entity. Participatory Human Rights Advancement Society came into being with the aim to create a wider monitoring and awareness raising system on the abuse of social, cultural and economic rights. The principal objectives of the organization are to raise the awareness of basic human rights and its various abuses and to take participation with National and International agencies. Women, children, religious and ethnic minorities are among the groups that are most vulnerable to human rights abuses. PHRAS always emphasizes the active participation of the grassroots community. Awareness of health, human rights, identifying social problem and providing remedies, fighting against corruption, injustice, discrimination of all kinds, poverty, child labor and social evils and working for the improvement and better of society, bringing awareness for peace, democracy, equality, basic rights, environmental protection and especially moral values into the community and making them understand its importance. Promoting health, hygienic awareness along with basic education and skills among the children. Working for the rights of women and children and making them aware of their political and other rights, as they have an important role to play in the prosperity and growth of a healthy, educated and enlightened society. It realizes that empowerment is the precondition to establish human rights, which is based on a recognition and faith in peoples own power and resources. | |
Pass It On Network, France | ||
Peace and Hope for Youth Development (PHY), Tanzania | Peace and Hope for Youth Development(PHY) is a non governmental organization registered in Tanzania, which deals with Youth and Older people rights. We believe that sustainable youth development depends on development of the older people, thus we have responsibility to be engaged in provision of Education, lobbying and advocacy on National Policies concerning human rights and good governance in order to increase awareness among youth and older people on good governance, human rights and rights of the older people, taking care of them in order to enhance their life standard in terms of health status, simple economic activities, conducting research on problems facing the older people for the purpose of protecting them against the consequences of those problems on the level of household, nationally and internationally. Raising youth awareness on preparation during the period of their youth ages to be prepared for their future so as to face challenges of the old ages. | |
Philanthropy Center for Children and the Elderly, Mongolia | The Philanthropy Center for Children and the Elderly (PCCE) is a local, non-profit and non-governmental organisation established in 2005 to promote community empowerment and respect the right and dignity of children and older people in Mongolia. | |
Platform for Retirees - Kenya (PfR-K) | Mission: To provide a homely environment where retirees find meaning, value and relevance and participate actively in the socio-economic development activities in the society Vision: A prosperous society where all, irrespective of age and gender, contribute to the local, national and regional agenda according to everyone's capacity Motto: Smile on the face; joy in the heart; positive thoughts in the mind Main objective: To mobilise retirees to participate actively in agricultural transformation, environmental management and socio-cultural transformation for sustainable rural development Core tenets: The philosophy of Platform for Retirees - Kenya is anchored on six tenets: i. Agriculture, environment and culture are the key pillars for rural transformation and development in the developing countries; ii. Their maturity, level of responsibility, skills, experience, and availability make retirees ideal agents for sustainable rural transformation and development; iii. The rural setting offers the best environment for retirees to make greater impact in the society; iv. Retirees are the embodiments of cultural values and heritage, two vital instruments for inculcating peace and security among families and communities; v. Participation in community service offers retirees an opportunity for both physical and mental exercises to keep them fit and healthy; vi. Service to community facilitates retirees’ reintegration into the community, earns them respect, and boosts their sense of self-esteem | |
Poka Health Care Foundation, Nigeria | ||
Porter Consulting, Canada | ||
Positive and Healthy Ageing Association Cameroon (PHAACAM) | PHAACAM aims to make the older adults feel valued, supported and cared for no matter their age. We provide social, environmental and financial resources needed to deal with opportunities and the challenges they face daily. The well-being of the individuals cannot be easily conceptualised thus, including factors such as life satisfaction, sense of control over one’s life and having a sense of purpose in life is very essential. Moreover, building up well-being and improving ability to quickly recover from mental disabilities such as depression increases independence and improves overall clients’ health. The main focus is on the clients’ well-being and ensuring that they have easy access to health care services most especially the elderly found in the rural areas. Specifically, we hope: - To create full participation within the reach of the older adults and their contributions should be recognised and valorised. - To develop relationships that are age-friendly and ensuring that they have the required resources. - To ensure that upcoming generations of older adults are well equipped for later life by encouraging them to recognise the changes and demands that they may be faced with and making decisions for early preparations - To improve on the elderly’s ability to make important decision - To improve on the resilience as well as client’s health - To improve and enhance a sense of satisfaction in the elderly. - To promote a sense of autonomy in the elderly. While trying to build up well-being and improving resilience is a good aspect for the society as do reducing dependence and the overall health, it is undeniable that the elderly must have resources to deal with the challenges they face, thus, conditions should be created where they can fulfil these needs leading to the creation of PHAACAM. PHAACAM has a desire to improve on the social, economic and environmental well-being that will be beneficial to the elderly clients and this can be achieved by concerting efforts and commitments on behalf of the PHAACAM structure. | |
Pramacare | Pramacare is a not-for-profit charity in the South of England. Founded to provide help and care for people in their own homes, enabling them to live independently without being forced into unwanted residential care. Since its formation in 1982 the vision has broadened to include personal care and management along with a now extensive and increasing network of Dementia, sports and arts clubs for older people. Today the charity has grown from a handful of dedicated volunteers to around 400 volunteers and employees who provide around 100,000 hours of face to face personal support and care each year. They provide compassionate support, giving dignity and respect, and are developing care from a Human Rights perspective to complement and complete our existing resilience and asset based approach. This is a completely new and innovative approach within the context of the care industry and has the potential to impact the delivery of care from every provider across the UK. | |
Prattrasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS), Bangladesh | The interventions initiated by Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS) are as follows: 1. The older man and woman’s malnutrition eradication program through Homestead vegetable gardening. 2. Older man and woman’s Vulnerable Groups Development. 3. Assistance for the oldest allowance card and card holder. 4. Free Eye-screen/lance operation support for the oldest people. 5. Physiotherapy and Occupational services for the oldest people. 6. Medicine support for the oldest people. 7. Assistive devices support for the oldest people. 8. Motivational and awareness events for the oldest people’s health hygiene and sanitation. 9. Playing materials support for the oldest people for their mental recreation. | |
Prerana India | Prerana India strives to bring equality of opportunity to India with preservation of regional and cultural traditions and by advancing the rights of disabled and deprived people. It works towards prosperity of rural, tribal and urban slum dwellers through integrated approaches that embody awareness, education, economics, health, sanitation, capacity building and biodiversity programmes, with an emphasis on women empowerment. | |
PROGOTI (People’s Research on Grassroots Ownership & Traditional Initiative), Bangladesh | ||
Public Union of Belarusian Pensioners (Nashe pakalenne) | Public Union of Belarusian Pensioners is organization which uniting the elders persons in Belarus. We exist from 2008. PUBP “Nashe pakalenne” has the representatives at the 26 regional branches of Belarus. Organization is representing in the all regional centers of Belarus, at the 7 district’ towns, 5 settlements, 6 villages. The biggest branch is Minsk-City organization. The generally goal of organization is involvement of Belarusian Seniors to Civic Activity of country and protect their rights. Directions of the present activity of PUBP “Nashe Pokolenie” consist from the next points: Informational activity (Bulletin „Pokolenie“ and Internet-site –; Remedial activity (Organization has the legal desk in Minsk and we are according the free remedial help to old persons. They had problems with medical departments, housing and communal services, State social services); Social activity (The members of organization were organizing the actions by protect of social and economic pensioners’ rights.); Expert activity (We are preparing the prepositions to the improvement of pension policy). PUBP „Nashe Pakalenie“ has cooperation with pension organizations from EU (we are observer at European Senior‘ Union) and CIS-country (Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia). Organization is member of WG4 at the CSF EaP. Organization became the official coordinator of Subgroup “Contacts between seniors” four years ago. | |
Rajadighi Community Health Service Society, India | ||
Rajapur Youth Community, India | ||
Ransackers Association, UK | ||
Raphe Adultcare Center, Nigeria | VISION: To be a leading world class charity/non-profit organization, offering care and support to elderly persons to the express delight of God and humanity. MISSION: To identify, support, sensitize and care for discarded and degraded elderly persons through the act of caregiving, free distribution food materials, counseling, companionship and medical support, with a qualified team of experts and volunteers in different fields. CORE VALUES: S - service P - professional competence, advocacy and due care I - integrity C - confidentiality E - empathy D - dignity and worth of the individual ABOUT US: RAPHE ADULTCARE CENTER Nigeria is a charity organisation registered under the Companies and Allied matters Act of 1990 on the 8th Day of January, 2016. It is a non-profit organization that works for the spiritual, emotional, social welfare and empowerment of elderly persons in Nigeria. The directors and management volunteers of this organisation are professionals in various fields with a common interest in advocating for the rights of elderly persons in order to maintain their psychosocial health thus relieving their burdens and supporting healthy aging, thereby making them more useful and confident. Our watch word at RAPHE ADULTCARE remains “transforming lives through social services”. OUR SERVICES - Home and community services - Free distribution of food materials - Medical Support - Elderly digital literacy center - Volunteer services - Training & Consultancy on elder care | |
RAS Outreach Wellness Programme for the Aged, South Africa | ||
Reach One Touch One Ministries (ROTOM), Uganda | ||
Red Cross of Serbia | The Red Cross of Serbia is one of Europe’s oldest voluntary organisations, founded in 1876.Ageing and older people in Serbia have been an organisational priority since 2005 and the Red Cross of Serbia have ensured that their branch network include older people in all local andcommunity efforts where they are vulnerable. Their mission is to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities, with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering, and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world. They work with and for Serbian older people with low income, those who are socially isolated in rural and urban areas, and those who live alone or with an elderly spouse or someone who requires assistance. In addition Red Cross of Serbia works on improving older people access to different services from the rights based perspective. Red Cross of Serbia also works with and for other population groups such as children and youth, people living with disabilities and migrants. Their key work areas include campaign and advocacy, service provision, research, training and education and network development. Thematic areas include health and care, emergencies and disaster risk reduction, right and social protection. Red Cross of Serbia became an Affiliate of HelpAge International in 2014. | |
Reginagilead Foundation for the Elderly, Nigeria | ||
Regional Public Foundation Assistance for the Elderly "Dobroe Delo" | Dobroe Delo ("kind deed") was established in Moscow in 2000. It is a non-profit organisation that aims to improve older people's quality of life and supports the development of other gerontological non-profit organisations. Dobroe Delo's home-based medical and social care programme provides medicine, clothing, hygiene kits, food products, legal assistance and social rehabilitation to older people. They founded a network of gerontological organisations in Russia to advocate for better social protection for older people. They also carry out research on gerontology in order to create a resource centre for the network. Dobroe Delo offers postgraduate education to doctors in collaboration with the Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics of the Russian Academy. They also offer internships to students from the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences. | |
Reproductive Advocate Health Education (RAHE) | Reproductive Advocate Health Education (RAHE)-GHANA is an independent, non-profit, development organization devoted to improving the quality of reproductive health services, general conditions of vulnerable people and communities through a right based approach. Since February 2014, RAHE-GHANA has been championing social intervention programs aimed at tackling vulnerability to diseases, hunger, and violence against women and children. VISION Our vision is to create a society in which citizens are empowered to equitably access the whole spectrum of quality social services and national resources MISSION • To work with communities to identify community context challenges and work towards them • To improve the capacity of target communities and schools to understand and demand responsive health services from governmental stakeholders • To achieve social and economic development and improved quality of life for rural households and communities with emphasis on women and children, youth, the elderly, the disabled persons, orphans and other special groups • To promote and provide access to quality basic education for children and school dropouts within deprived rural communities • To increase access to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation so as to ultimately reduce water related and faecal-based diseases. | |
Réseau FADOQ | Réseau FADOQ is the largest organization of seniors in Canada and the reference in terms of quality of life for Quebec seniors. Réseau FADOQ has won countless battles to defend the rights of seniors and come to the assistance of the less fortunate. The Réseau has also implemented a broad range of services, programs and sporting and recreational activities to make aging a healthy and fulfilling part of life. A healthy evolution made up of bold and sound values has marked the history of the Réseau FADOQ, so that it moves with the times, offering activities customized for today’s seniors and taking up new challenges related to the aging of the population. The sustained work of its employees and the unwavering dedication of its 9,000 volunteers, but above all else, a long chain of people, full-fledged citizens engaged in their lives who share interests and work together to fight injustice. Models of solidarity who make up the soul and strength of the Réseau FADOQ. The Réseau FADOQ is made up of several affiliated organizations whose mission is : • To bring together people aged 50 and over and represent them in instances in which their rights and needs are concerned. • To organize activities and offer programs and services that respond to their needs. The Réseau FADOQ currently has 550,000 members, 838 clubs, 16 regional associations, more then 15, 000 volunteers. All these efforts are intended to favour the quality of life and enjoyment of all members. | |
Resource Center for the Elderly, Kyrgyzstan | ||
Resource Integration Centre (RIC), Bangladesh | ||
Rossetti Care | Rossetti Care (Nigeria) Ltd is passionate about ensuring older people's human rights are respected. With this in mind we have created a care home for people with dementia, websites that raise dementia awareness and offer a forum for people to share their views and discoveries, communicate their fears, their joys and successes in living well with dementia. We aim to create dementia awareness within state & federal parliaments and amongst health professionals about the problems and negative outcomes encountered by People with dementia and their loved ones within the current health system. We are also working to advise Government bodies and Health Professionals, about a different way of legislating for, and working with people with dementia, that is in accordance with the UN Convention for people with disabilities. | |
Rostoration of Sisters in Extreme (ROSE), Kenya | ||
Rural Aid Pakistan | Rural Aid Pakistan is a non-profit and non-government organization working at grass root level in rural areas of Pakistan to fight against poverty & discrimination and empowering the marginalized and vulnerable rural communities for sustainable development. Rural Aid Pakistan is working through a tri-dimensional model and has brought integration to tackle the root cause of poverty and its allied ailments. This model connects the essential dots and bridges the sector-wide gaps to achieve holistic development and empowerment of the rural communities. Rural Aid is working with rural communities to release their potential abilities and skills and enable them to decide their own development priorities. Rural Aid’s participatory integrated community development approach works through boosting active community involvement, participation, ownership development and empowerment. VISION: A society with improved living standards without poverty and discrimination. We affirm that our programs have the potential to improve the social and economic justice and people are resilient from disasters and emergencies. We also believe that our systematic approaches and actions can bring about a radical change in the society. MISSION: Empowering the marginalized and vulnerable segments through providing sustainable development solutions. | |
Saidia Wazee Tanzania Dodoma (Sawata Dodoma), Tanzania | ||
Saldarriaga Concha Foundation | Saldarriaga-Concha Foundation is a Colombian social organization which for the past 42 years has been working to build a society for all with special focus on older persons, the aging process and persons with disabilities. We work on different issues such as health, education, livelihood, social mobilization and advocacy regarding Colombian older persons and persons with disabilities. | |
Samarth Community of Senior citizens | SAMARTH COMMUNITY is a not-for-profit organization which runs a forum of senior citizens across India and helps them interact and engage with each other, receive information and expert advice on topics of health, wellness, home care, money-matters etc., find post-retirement jobs and voluntary opportunities, receive training and awareness on relevant areas like computers, internet and digital transactions, personal finance and health, and participate in events and engagement opportunities for elderly. Samarth also offers professionally managed services for elderly which bring family-quality care to them through a network of Samarth’s own care-managers and selected service partners. It covers both physical and emotional needs of the elderly and can be accessed through their dedicated Care manager, Samarth call-center or a mobile app. | |
San Antonio Senior Citizens Association. Philippines | ||
Sanctuary for Longevity Project, USA | ||
Save the Elders Foundation, Tanzania | ||
Save the Marginalized, Uganda | ||
SE Health, Canada | SE Health is a non-governmental, not-for-profit Canadian social enterprise in operation since 1908. Our mission is clear – to spread hope and happiness. We achieve this mission by addressing the needs of an aging population through: I. Empowering individuals, families and communities II. Delivering comprehensive health and wellness care in the home III. Creating tools and resources for family caregivers IV. Addressing barriers associated with isolation, loneliness, and end-of-life wishes V. Conducting impact-oriented research to understand the needs of people, their caregivers, and health care providers, and develop evidence-based solutions to tough health and social care problems VI. Partnering with industry, government and others to advocate, find solutions and resolve policy issues VII. Testing and implementing innovations and technology to improve lives VIII. Generating collaborative thought leadership in home/community health care and caring across the life course Through a person and family centred approach, we encourage everyone we engage with to share their insight, vision and goals for aging. We apply this understanding to advocate for the human rights and needs of older persons at a local and governmental level. SE Health works with partners across Canada and globally to find opportunities to embed the voice of older persons in health and wellness care. We seek to help all persons live their lives with dignity, vitality, hope and happiness. | |
Semuto Older Persons Development Association, Uganda | Semuto Older Person’s Development Association was formed out of a need to bring together older persons as a forum through which to address social, cultural and economic development challenges facing them. The organization has now more than 100 members with a leadership. Members regularly meet once every month and resolved to mobilize funds under a savings scheme intended for social care and support of members in times of specified needs. This is to enhance a saving culture among older persons. It is towards establishment of a savings and credit program for members to access affordable financing to support economic enterprises run by older persons. OUR VISION: To be a model older persons organization having a holistic approach to healthy aging with dignity. OUR MISSION: To be an organized older persons developmental organization serving members and outreach communities in the spectrum of aging for sustainable good livelihood as senior citizens. OUR AIMS: The aims of Semuto Older Persons Development Association are: • To bring together and foster understanding amongst older persons from the diverse communities in Semuto Town Council and vicinities and be a model of replication. • To promote developmental activities, mutual support and joint aid among our members. • To establish parish /Ward level older persons groups to become members as groups and participate in different social and economic development activities • To use social and economic activities to share culture, technology and experiences. • Lobby and advocate for member older persons’ rights and opportunities for sustainable development backed by the Uganda Constitution, the 0lder Persons Act 2013 and the 7 of 17 laid down UN Sustainable Development Goals. • Mobilize funds in a savings and credit model and solicit external funds by way of grants or loans for affordable and accessible financing to support older person’s enterprises thus leveraging their capacity to fight, ignorance, poverty, diseases and age with dignity. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: Objective No. 1: Empowering member older persons to have increased household incomes to reach 10 times above national per capita by 2021 through sustainable economic enterprises appropriate to older persons supported with cooperative model financial services. Objective No. 2: Increasing older persons’ engagement in national development programs through awareness and sensitization on their social, cultural, economic, environment and human rights aspects. Objective No 3: Promote networking among and outside membership for partnership development locally and internationally. | |
Senior Citizen Chautari, Thecho, Nepal | The main objective of Senior Citizen Chautari, Thecho is to support senior citizens in the health-related field. It has been regularly conducting a courtesy blood pressure examination and blood Sugar (diabetic test) program to senior citizens from its establishment. Thecho Physical Fitness Center is opening for 24 hrs. Furthermore, it has organized free health camps and sports, cheer yoga, meditation and a knowledge center for quality of life. Mission and vision To focus health of Senior Citizen, Thecho. The Senior Citizen Chautari (SCC) is dedicated to healthy aging in the village community by promoting awareness of needs and resources that support Senior Citizens through life’s transitions. Objectives To link an aging population with societal and village development. • To promote health and wellness, active and productive ageing through promotion of volunteerism among senior citizens in particular. • To promote age friendly environment. • To provide Senior Citizen with information, services, and referrals to local agencies and their services. • To co-ordinate with the government and other national and international organization for the promotion of senior citizens’ wellbeing. • To encourage all organized elements of the community to be concerned with and to cooperate in programs related to senior citizens. • To serve as a medium through which groups and organizations can exchange information, co-ordinate programs and engage in joint endeavors to serve the Senior Citizens • To meet the growing demands for access to quality health care, including long term care for the senior citizen. • To study needs and problems of the Senior Citizen in Thecho and to seek solutions. • To establish sustainable system of social protection to guard against poverty in old age | |
Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association Nepal (SCWAN) | SCWAN is a charitable and non-profitable organization established in 1991 as a social, non-political and non-governmental body to provide humanitarian service to the senior and older citizens in order to enable them to live a respectful, useful and comfortable life. Since its establishment, we are running program to create awareness about basic human rights of older people thereby strengthening their social and economical role in family and society. The Daycare Centre’s building of this association was inaugurated by former UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of Nepal Mr. Robert Piper in 2009 A.D. Activities: Through daycare service we promote pleasure, convenience, health and higher spiritual values of senior citizens. Other activities being: • Orientation to senior citizens on their changing roles and responsibilities. • Advocate the human rights of senior citizens. • Conducting seminars, workshops, interactions, and talk program on the status of elderly in Nepal. • Free health checkup and distribution of medicines. • Health camp for senior citizens; Eye, Dental and General. • Meditation, Yoga, spiritual speech. • Visit to temple and historical places thrice a year. • Visit to other day care centre and old age home. • Birthday celebration of older participants. • Conducting various program on International Day for Older Persons. • Arrange appropriate habitation for the senior citizens who are without family or without a congenial family atmosphere in which to live. • Running networking program with various organization working for the wellbeing of elderly. • Organize round table discussion on problems of senior citizens with local influential leaders and stakeholders. • Legal advice and counseling to senior citizens. • Organize meetings with youth of various organizations in order to minimize the generation gap and create a harmonious atmosphere with the younger generation. • Founder member of National Senior Citizen Federation. | |
Senior Rights Service, Australia | ||
Senior Women Citizens for Change, Kenya | ||
Serbian Association of Geriatricians and Gerontologists | The Serbian Association of Geriatricians and Gerontologists was founded in December 2007 with an intention to improve and affirm professional work of geriatricians and gerontologists, and thereby improve the quality of treatment and life of elderly. The Serbian Association of Geriatricians and Gerontologists is an umbrella group for professionals and experts from the field of geriatrics and gerontology. It includes all disciplines in the field, from architecture to medicine. The majority of members are geriatricians (physicians who treat elderly) and gerontologists (scientific researchers of ageing). Other members are persons who are professionally involved in the care of elderly. AIMS · Education of healthcare professionals and assistants in the field of geriatrics and gerontology · Promotion of professional work in the field · Improvement in quality of healthcare service to the elderly · Inclusion and association of Serbian professionals in the field with other experts from Europe and worldwide. MISSION · Creation of positive image of aged and ageing in the public · Eradicating age discrimination · Encouraging elderly people to pursue more active life · Establishing conditions for intergenerational agreement Serbian Association of Geriatricians and Gerontologists organises courses and seminars in gerontology and geriatrics for all interested audiences. | |
Shashwat Nepal | ||
Shirakat - Partnership for Development, Pakistan | ||
Silver Inning Foundation, India | Silver Inning Foundation since 2008 is working towards creating an Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience. The vision, mission and goals of Silver Innings are centered on creating and implementing services and programmes that are holistic in nature and address the need to acknowledge the much needed supportive environment that the elderly deserve. It looks at reintegrating the elderly into mainstream society and allow them to live with dignity. Mission: To uphold and secure the rights of elderly and actively work towards improving their quality of life by networking, advocating and researching elderly issues and providing a wide range of services according to their needs. Vision: Our vision is of an elder friendly world in which ageing becomes a positive and rewarding experience. - Goal 1: To advocate, create awareness of elderly rights and issues at micro and macro level. - Goal 2: To address basic needs of the elderly and their family members. - Goal 3: To provide, create innovative programmes, services for the elderly that enable them to reintegrate back into society with dignity. - Goal 4: To promote research, development on issues related to elderly. - Goal 5: To develop and implement training of professionals and para-professionals. | |
Sindicato Dos Aposentados Pensionistas E Idosos Da União Geral Dos Trabalhadores-Ugt, Brazil | ||
Sindicato Pensionati Italiani Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro, Italy | ||
Sir William Beveridge Foundation | Sir William Beveridge Foundation, a British International Charity, opened up a chapter in Bangladesh in the Year 2007. It has come into operation with its vision of working for a better society. Its stated aims are to work for the relief of poverty, sickness and distress. Being compliant with its corporate vision and mission, the Foundation has been implementing its activities under three core programmes, e.g. Health, Education and Economic Empowerment (Poverty Alleviation) which has one or more operational projects under each programme. The following projects are in operation in Bangladesh: 1. Elderly homecare service 2. Establishment of care home with special features to accommodate the elderly suffering from Dementia. 3. Health awareness campaign including Dementia Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh. 4. A school for under privileged children. Needless to say, there are not many organisations in Bangladesh who were working for the elderly. However, our presence and efforts to team up with similar organisation are yielding good dividends especially for the furtherance of the cause of the aged persons. As the number of elderly population is on the rise, it is appropriate and timely that a strong voice is echoed for the Government of Bangladesh to take notice of. It may also be mentioned that Government has recently formulated the Policy for the Elderly 2013. Therefore, interesting times are ahead so far it relates to the aged persons. SWBF is also a member of ECOSOC of the United Nations. | |
Sir. Alfred Health And Elderly Care, South Africa | ||
Skillshare, Lesotho | ||
SOAR Foundation, Kenya | ||
Social Assistance through Unity (SATU), Bangladesh | ||
Society Expansion for Development Intercession (SEDI), Tanzania | SOCIETY EXPANSION FOR DEVELOPMENT INTERCESSION (SEDI) is a non governmental organization (NGO) sensitizing local and international communities to supporting the most marginalized communities groups via gender issues e.g. women, girl’s youth and children, Basic needs to older people and disabled (age care), Agriculture trainings, health, education, entrepreneurship skills for income generation at a grassroots level for the purpose of poverty alleviation and gender equality. SEDI is operating nationally and its head office is located BUGOGWA Ward illemela municipal Mwanza region with one sub office at Bunda district in Mara region. VISION: We envision local families to be free from ignorance, illiteracy, injustice, poverty, preventable and curable diseases. MISSION: To improve the living conditions and educate the impoverished people in Tanzania, that advances their well-being for a better tomorrow through education, empowerment and support. CORE VALUES: • Needy focused • Partnership • Passion • Respect • Gender equality • Team work • Committed responsibility • Creativity and innovation | |
Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE), India | ||
Soldier Foundation, Russia | ||
Somali Help Age Association, Somalia | Somali Help Age Association is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civil society organization that was founded in 2003 in Mogadishu, Somalia to advocate for the most neglected and vulnerable older persons in Somalia. Somali Help Age Association has also a Branch Office in Winnipeg, Canada, that advocate for the most vulnerable refugees’ older persons, newcomers and immigrants in Canada and provide services and various supports Vision: • Realize a Somalia to become a country where an older people are treated with dignity, respect, valued and receive the necessary social protection needs at all levels Mission: • Support the most neglected vulnerable older persons in Somalia and assist them with food, medical care, shelter, water, adult education and income generating activities. • Strengthen the capacity of older people in Somalia to enable them participate the decisions making process that impacts their future • Improve social living standard of older persons in Somalia and reduce vulnerabilities size and an excessive poverty Bridge an intergenerational gap between older people and the youth in the communities and remove barriers through advocacy and awareness campaign Values: • Make a significant contribution to the SDGs and develop policy framework to ensure all social protection needs for the older persons are addressed to achieve the long- term recovery & development stages UN Convention on the rights of older people: • Fight against abuse, discrimination, ageism and neglect of older persons • Establish clear policy framework and guidelines to prevent older people from emotional, physical, social & financial challenges • Promote older people’s participation in decision-making processes and social protection rights • Work towards realizing the establishment of UN convention of the rights of older persons | |
SOS Bibliotheque Noire, DRC | ||
Sound Health Development Initiative, Nigeria | ||
South African Older Persons Forum | Vision: A society for all ages in which: - the contribution of older persons is acknowledged; - older persons can experience security and personal fulfilment; - the rights and dignity of older persons is respected; - older persons have a role to play in development. Mission: “The mission of the South African Older Persons Forum (SAOPF) is to identify and articulate the concerns and needs of older persons, as voiced by them, and, in consultation with Government and other role players, to ensure that these needs are addressed in legislation, services and programs.” Slogan: ‘Human rights don’t stop at 60’ Objectives: - Ensuring a well-defined, cohesive, inter-sectoral national, provincial and local older persons lobby; - Advocate and lobby for the needs and concerns of older persons; - Coordinate and represent the aged sector; Monitor legislation, policies, and budget allocations relevant to older persons. - Establishment and capacity building of provincial older persons forums; - Conducting provincial dialogue sessions with older persons; - Raising public awareness of the rights of older persons; - Receiving, using, disseminating, storing and distributing information on the rights of older persons. | |
Stichting Mission Lanka, Netherlands | ||
Sudanese Society in Care of Older People | Based on the UN figures the population of elderly persons 60 years+ is increasing at a dramatic speed. In developed countries elderly people make up about 20% of the population, the figures are projected to grow to approximately 25% in the future. In developing and the least developed countries, elderly constitutes more than 10% of the population and this percentage will rise to around 20% in coming decades. Concerning the case of Sudan and according to UNFPA population data sheet (2000), the population percentage of older people in Sudan over 60 years is 3.9% of the total population which is estimated at 30 millions according to 1999 census. In Khartoum State the total population is 4,7 million and the percentage of elderly is 3.8%. The change of the population structure worldwide is finding the governments, NGOs and the general society completely unaware and unprepared on how to deal with changes posed. In this regard the Sudanese Society in Care of Older People (SSCOP) presumes the principal aim of improving the quality of older people’s life and maintaining their dignity. | |
Support To Older People-Zambia (STOP-Zambia) | Support To Older People -Zambia (STOP-Zambia) is an organization established under the NGO Act of 2009 of Zambia, Registration Number RNGO/101/0546/15. It was registered on 26th December, 2015 in response to the National Ageing Policy by the Government of the Republic of Zambia, which called for concerted efforts from stakeholders to holistically address the various social and economic challenges faced by the majority of Zambians as they grow older. STOP-Zambia is a not for profit non-government organization of young and middle aged Zambians dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of older persons in Zambia and uplifting their welfare and wellbeing through advocacy and service delivery. Our Vision: A nation where older people are happy, healthy and productive; enjoying improved standard of living. Our Mission: We promote and protect the rights and welfare of older people through mobilizing the young generation, communities, and public, private and cooperating partners’ support Our Aspiration: To be a leading, fully established and self-sustaining organization that promotes the welfare and wellbeing of older people in all parts of Zambia. Our Motto: Ageing with Dignity and Honour | |
Sustainable Agriculture Development and Youth Association (SADAYA), Liberia | ||
Sustainable Beekeeping and Human Development (SuBeHuDe), Tanzania | ||
Synergy Elderly Care, Uganda | ||
Taking Care of Retired People Organization, Rwanda | ||
Tanzania Elders People Rights Awareness Raising | ||
Tanzania House of Hope | Tanzania House of Hope is a local NGO based in Mwanza Tanzania. We envision a future whereby rights are respected, and individuals informed. Our projects focus on vulnerable community members including setting up an eco-urban farm in Bwiru for older persons to establish income-generating activities, to sustain themselves and unite as a self-help group. The project has adopted the community life competence framework, recognising older people as active community members, with dreams and the drive to achieve change. Further projects include advocating for the rights of older people, spreading awareness of their vulnerabilities and exclusions, and establishing a community centre within Bwiru, Mwanza. The centre provides a base for the community. An aspect being lost in modern society is access to safe streets and public space. The community is not only a physical space, but mental too - building new relationships between community members of all ages and uniting. Our centre will be sustained by our community shop and café, and offer all members a chance to exchange ideas, play games, organise events, and reignite community spirit. | |
Tanzania Older People's Platform (TOP) | ||
TATUO (Tanzania Tusaidiane Organisation) | ||
Teggow Obase Nkami Global Foundation, Nigeria | ||
Thandanani Senior Citizens, South Africa | Thandanani Senior Citizens (TSC) registered in 2019 as a non-profit organization which is dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights and welfare of older persons in South Africa. The organization works with the marginalized and impoverished communities with high levels of crime, unemployment, substance abuse, HIV & AIDS, domestic violence which all results to poor socio-economic conditions. Our programmes are designed to cater for older persons within the communities. Mission: To provide, promote and protect the interest, care, protection, safety and wellbeing of older persons. Vision: An improved quality of life for the aged through prevention and early intervention programmes. Objectives: -Facilitate the implementation of community based care service centre which is a safe venue for activities with peers where they engage in various empowering and development programmes. -Conducting prevention, educational and awareness programmes with regards to issues affecting senior citizens. -Provide appropriate, professional psychosocial support intervention to older persons. -Promote, lobby and advocate for the rights of older persons. -Conduct ongoing research aimed at affecting appropriate interventions. -Provide education and training which seeks to empower and develop senior citizens. | |
The Aged Family Uganda | ||
The Association of Elderly Muslims in Africa (TAEM-Africa) | TAEM-Africa is a Continental Non–Governmental Organization, founded in June 2013 and, duly recognized in Uganda in July 2017. The organization envisions equal opportunities and access to equitable and quality livelihood options for old-age population in Africa. The Membership is comprised of entities united by a central international structure and by shared values, vision and mission. Vision: TAEM-Africa stands for equal opportunities and access to equitable and quality livelihood options for old-age population in Africa. Mission: TAEM-Africa works with others, to influence authorities and stakeholders through advocacy and campaigns to put in place policies and practices that are conducive to ensure equitable and quality livelihood options for the poor and vulnerable old-age population in Africa. | |
The Association For The Aged, South Africa | ||
The Benevolent Society, Australia | The Benevolent Society is Australia’s first charity. We are a not-for-profit and non-religious organisation and we have helped individuals, families and communities achieve positive change since 1813. We are driven by a vision of a just society where all Australians can live their best lives. Creating a just society means advocating for fundamental changes. For over 200 years, we’ve pioneered new solutions to social problems and spoken out against disadvantage. In the past, our campaigning was integral to the introduction of the aged pension in Australia. More recently The Benevolent Society has released an Index of Well-being for Older Australians which provides a picture of geographic patterns of well-being among older Australians. We have also released a research report on The Adequacy of the Age Pension in partnership with two think tanks. This led to a Fix Pension Poverty campaign to highlight that many older Australians on the pension are struggling to make ends meet. We are currently undertaking research and planning a major long term campaign to tackle ageism. We have 943 staff and 573 volunteers and reach around 50,000 people through our services, community programs and events. We deliver services from 63 locations supporting people across the lifespan. | |
The Center for Elderly Care & Empowerment (Ehsan) | Introduction: The Centre for Elderly Care & Empowerment (Ehsan) aims to promote recognition of the role of the elderly, and their contribution to the social, economic and cultural development in the State of Qatar. It also aims to empower them and support their active participation in all relevant areas, improve community awareness about their fundamental rights and issues, while work to achieve active communication between generations, and emphasize the role of the family in elderly care and aim to reduce the practice of enrolling the elderly in shelter homes. Vision: Pioneer in elderly empowerment to help them enjoy decent, safe and productive lives. Mission: Consistent with the mission of Qatar Foundation for Social Work, we contribute to empower and provide care services for the elderly in Qatar, integrate them into the community, seek to keep them in their natural family environment, reduce sheltering, and increase community awareness about their fundamental rights and issues, and work to achieve intergenerational communication. Values: We find our inspiration in the values of Qatar Foundation for Social Work, and we are committed to serve the target group with the following values: • Accountability. • Communication. • Professionalism. • Partnership. Strategic Objectives: • Provide empowerment and care programs for the elderly. • Raise community awareness about the rights and basic needs of the elderly. • Stimulate intergenerational solidarity and promote opportunities of interaction among them. • Build and develop institutional capacities. Our Services: • Programs & Activities • Home Care Services • Social Services • Health Services • Physiotherapy • Psychological Services • Day Care • Research & Studies | |
The City of Kisumu Urban Areas Association (CKUAA) | The City of Kisumu Urban Areas Association (CKUAA) is founded pursuant to section 13(2)(e) of the Urban Areas and Cities Act 13/2011 laws of the Republic of Kenya and is dully registered under the Societies Act Cap 108 Laws of Kenya as a Non-Religious, Non-Political and Not-For-Profit making welfare organization whose main objective is to Promote, Uphold and Protect the highest standards of Urban Areas Governance, Service Delivery, Business Leadership and Ethics in the City of Kisumu for the benefit of our membership. Our Mission is to transform the City of Kisumu, through collaborative partnership, into a better place to live, work and visit while our Vision is to be the leader in Urban Areas & Cities regeneration through inclusive proactive approach in sustainable urban growth and development. We are running an initiative called OLD IS GOLD whose main objective is to bring dignity and respect to the aged and elderly people in the City of Kisumu. We aim to achieve this through empowerment program targeting the elderly to allow them adapt to changes arising from old age by focusing on interventions targeting elderly individuals, their families and the community at large. | |
The Dave Omokaro Foundation, Nigeria | ||
The Global Ageing Network (formerly IAHSA) | Our Mission The mission of the Global Ageing Network (GAN) is to connect and support care and service providers worldwide to enhance quality of life for ageing. GAN represents the interests of its members and promotes the association’s goals through education, leadership, and research. Our members include representatives from ageing services industries, governments, ministries of health, voluntary organizations, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, academics, and architects that specialize in design for aging. Our Goals To promote quality services for the ageing To connect researchers and providers through applied research To provide a forum for professional networking and an exchange of information for all persons interested in ageing, care of the ageing, facility design and accessibility for the ageing To promote and provide education and training on global issues pertaining to ageing To disseminate pertinent and timely information regarding ageing issues | |
The Good Samaritan Social Service Tanzania | ||
The Grandmother Collective, USA | ||
The Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons in Cameroon (RECEWAPEC) | RECEWAPEC, formerly known as RECEHWEDEV, has been working with and for elderly individuals in Cameroon since 1996. The organization focuses on advocating for the recognition and realization of older people's rights, conducting community awareness campaigns with government officials and organizations, and implementing political declarations and plans of action on aging. They also provide economic empowerment through income-generating activities, offering training and startup capital to elderly individuals ao as ro make them independentthan dependent. Additionally, RECEWAPEC conducts outreach programs for health screenings, provides medical assistance, and emphasizes social protection by helping the poor and vulnerable cope with crises, find employment, and support their well-being. The organization also organizes cultural events for intergenerational social interactions and builds partnerships with government agencies and institutions to support the well-being of older people. | |
The Senior Agenda Inc | The Senior Agenda consists of a professional multidisciplinary team providing seminars and information; scaffolding to empower older members of our community to realise their potential. As an Australian registered Not For Profit (NFP) organisation, The Senior AgendaTM collaborates with community organisations, Local, State and Federal Government bodies as well as the business community - across both the public and private sectors - to encourage and nurture sustainable, healthy life styles and life choices. Every stage of life has its own challenges. The Senior Agenda exists to equip older people to face challenges they encounter in a fast-changing world. TSA Services: The Senior Agenda offers a range of services tailored to meet the needs of organisations and communities. These include a full, six-day package of seminars; "The Journey", as well as individual presentations designed to meet the needs of our growing seniors population, as listed below: The Journey: • Stress Management, Relaxation & Meditation Techniques • Coping with Loss, Grief & Isolation • The Whole Person (a)Foods to lower anxiety & improve sleep • The Whole Person (b)Healthy Mind Healthy Body • Building Strength & Confidence • A Take-Home Program of Wellness Working with Communities Creating & Maintaining Age Friendly Environments: A two-day workshop for local community council staff members sharing our experience of attending the International Federation of Ageing/World Health Organisation conference on "Age Friendly Cities" in Prague, many national conferences on aging, the 2018 OEWG on aging (GAROP) at the UN and the Australian Royal Commission on Aged Care. Individual Presentations: • Nutrition and Diet, presented by our nutritionist -this includes a talk on reading food labels • "The Grand Balancing Act" our acclaimed talk on Fall Prevention by our psychologists • "Mind Alive “understanding dementia”, healthy heart/healthy body/healthy brain All TSA courses are presented by our own qualified professional psychologists and nutritionists. | |
The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (AMDA) | The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (AMDA) is dedicated to excellence in patient care and provides education, advocacy, information and professional development to promote the delivery of quality post-acute and long-term care medicine. AMDA’s membership is comprised of medical directors, attending physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, as well as other interprofessional team members who practice in the post-acute and long-term care continuum. AMDA works closely with its two affiliate organizations, the American Board of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (ABPLM0 and the AMDA Foundation. ABPLM is the only organization that accredits Certified Medical Directors (CMDs) in post-acute and long-term care medicine. The AMDA Foundation advances the quality of life for persons in post-acute and long-term care through inspiring, educating, and recognizing future and current health care professionals. | |
Townsville Community Legal Service, Australia | ||
Tsad Kadima, Israel | ||
Turkey Retired Persons Organisation | ||
Turyak | ||
Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA) | Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA) is governed by the following vision and mission: - Vision, “A dignified self-fulfilled poverty free ageing Uganda” - Mission “To champion the realization and preservation of a dignified quality of life for older People in Uganda. Objectives: 1. To economically empower older People. 2. To address the social welfare of elderly people. 3. To strengthen networking and integration between URAA, OPS and other stakeholders. 4. To set up an effective information and communication system and data base that articulates older person’s issues. 5. To carry out research, policy lobby and advocacy for older People. 6. To strengthen URAA institutional capacity and effectiveness. URAA was founded in 1991. It is a national, non-government, membership organization with offices in Kampala but operating countrywide. URAA promotes family and community care to see older People and children under their care in Uganda living a dignified self-fulfilled poverty free life. Key activities:- • Entrepreneurial skills training and Capacity building for starting and managing Income Generating Activities; and f village savings and loan schemes. • Training paralegal to advise Older People on access to justice, rights promotion and protection. • Training OCMGs who monitor service delivery to Older People • Build the capacity of Older People’s Leaders and members to advocate for service provision, rights, access to health services and inclusion of older People in HIV&AIDS Programmes. • Conduct dialogues on age friendly services for Older People at Community Level. • Conduct training of Older Rights activists to support the understanding and challenging ageism campaign. • Convene national multi-stakeholder dialogues with government and older person leaders annually. • Conduct Age Demands Action activities in URAA program operation areas • Participate in AU protocol and ratification and UN convention at National and Global level • Support Older people in commemoration of Internationally recognized Older People Days ( WEAAD and IDOP) • Monitor and evaluate government Programmes to ensure issues and concerns of Older People are addressed • Conduct leadership training and others related to strengthening and fostering URAA membership • Documentation of case studies, documentaries, fliers, posters • Support learning and exchange visits • Media workshops, print media articles and press releases and Radio, TV talk shows. • Carry out monitoring, evaluation and learning events. | |
UHAPS, Cameroon | ||
United Way of The Lower Mainland, Canada | The United Way of the Lower Mainland aims to serve the needs of our local community and ignite the desire in everyone to improve this community we call home. While we have focused our work on kids living vulnerably, families experiencing poverty, and seniors facing social isolation, we never lose sight of the big-picture causes of social inequity. Healthy Aging by United Way consists of five key pillars: Better at Home, Community Based Seniors’ Services Grants, Capacity Building, Community Engagement, and Innovation. These pillars work collaboratively to provide senior-centred programming and sector development that supports access to health, social and community care, and aims to reduce social isolation and frailty. We work with community agencies, local, provincial, and federal governments, and a diverse set of vested partners and donors towards our vision of a healthy, caring, inclusive community for all members. We embrace a holistic setting where older adults have unrestricted access to community programs and services so that they can age in place. Using a health promotion/prevention approach focused on policy development, social justice, wellness, and inclusivity, Healthy Aging by United Way has engaged in a multi-sectoral approach to create healthy communities where seniors can age with dignity. | |
Universal Peace & Violence Amelioration Centre (UPVAC) | The UNIVERSAL PEACE & VIOLENCE AMELIORATION CENTRE (UPVAC) is a non-governmental organization (NGO), peacekeeping, security, humanitarian, activism, charitable, politically, religiously neutral, social development, paramilitary, advocacy, and skills sharing organization. It is a member of some renowned International Organizations. The organization is established to enable all interested humanitarian workers to offer their skills in service “For All Humanity towards Universal Peace and Security ”, and to enable all interested humanitarian professionals to offer their skills as humanitarians, in areas of rescue workers, first responders, first-aiders, and volunteers in different capacities, to offer their skills in those disaster stricken regions or upheavals, to intervene and provide programs in disaster awareness, preparation & prevention, survival skills, first-aid, emergency planning in disaster vulnerable or upheaval regions, our volunteers can further assist in counter terrorism measures, thus we promote our organizations projects and programs with various slogans. | |
Universidad ISALUD / Fundacion ISALUD, Argentina | ||
Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil | ||
Utkal Youth Association for Social Development (UYASD), India | ||
Utthan, Bangladesh | UTTHAN is a community-based non-profit, non-political and non-governmental voluntary charity organization. Education, Health, Child Marriage, Women Violence, Child Abuse, Human Trafficking, Acid throwing, Has adopted various plans for human rights protection and establishment of good governance including HIV/AIDS prevention, women empowerment. The organization has the capacity to implement any project big or small as it has skilled and trained manpower. All types of activities are conducted under the direct leadership of the executive council of the organization. | |
Vehadarta, Israel | ||
Water Health Education & Environmental League (WHEEL), Pakistan | ||
Women and Child Development Society, India | ABOUT US: Women and Child Development Society (WCDS) was promoted in the year 1992 by the local committed social activists with the vision of empowering the rural poor people in general and poor and affected women and children in particular. Ever since its inception, WCDS has been implementing various welfare and development programmes for the benefit of the rural poor. WCDS has been conducting various welfare and development services to the weaker sections such us old aged, distressed women, disabled and marginalized communities and extending development activities for the downtrodden people. VISION: WCDS envisions a just society where equality, justice, opportunity and rights are ensured. WCDS visualizes a society in which people especially women enjoy education, employment, wealth, health and efficient . WCDS aims at creating clean and protected environment and balanced ecological systems. WCDS envisages equal opportunity to youth in education, skill training and employment. MISSION: To work for development of downtrodden and the asset less sections of the society with special attention to women, children, disabled and old aged enabling them to enjoy equal opportunity, social and economic rights in the society. In order to realize its vision, WCDS has been carrying out the following activities. | |
Women for Human Rights, Environment and Democracy (WORED), Democratic Republic of Congo | Women for Human Rights, Environment & Democracy fights negative attitudes and age discrimination in particular in access to health care, services, information and education. As our role is to ensure a voice for those whose voices are seldom heard, the organization advocates for the right to freedom from discrimination, and violence, and upholds the dignity of old people in all aspect. | |
Women for Human Rights, Nepal | ||
Wrinkly Smiles, India | ||
Yayasan Emong Lansia, Indonesia | ||
Yohans Vimukthy International/ILAGA ("Independent Living and Graceful Ageing"), India | ||
Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan | ||
YWCA Nigeria | ||