Mission, Vision and Values
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People is a network of organisations from across the world who have come together to strengthen and promote the rights of older persons.
The mission of the Global Alliance is to support and enhance civil society’s engagement at national, regional and international levels on the need for a new international instrument on the rights of older persons
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People seeks a world in which older persons live free from discrimination and are able to fully enjoy their rights.
Our core values are partnership with, inclusion of, and the promotion of participation by older people in decisions that affect their lives. We respect the rights of all persons regardless of age, race, color, disability, gender, language, religion, sexual orientation, political views, national or social origin, class and birth or property status.
Strategy 2020-2023
GAROP’s Strategy 2020-2023 is available here in English and Russian. The Strategy sets out a three year goal and four strategic outcomes. It also sets out a plan for how GAROP will develop in key areas including our membership, governance and secretariat, external representation, financial resources and communications. A more detailed workplan and monitoring and evaluation framework is being developed to support the implementation of this Strategy 2020-2023.